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I haven't looked at this before today. I can not change the audiodriver. When I select model and comes to the point where I can look over the choices, I can change everything, but not audio. It says "comes with patched AppleHDA". I can change every other option, but not this one. ??
I have Lion on my D630. I have a pair of logitech speakers that I connect with usb. On my D620 they do not show up under the sound preference pane. The sound still plays through the internal speakers and I cannot not set output to Logitech, because they're not there. I have an E6400 also running Lion. When I connect the speakers there, they show up. Other usb devices such as mouse, printer and external drives work fine. Is there something I can try to fix this? Change the audiodriver from edp perhaps? I chose all defaults when I ran edp.
I am also wondering about this. I ran edptool just to change the trackpad since the predefined work fine for me. But when I run edptool I have to make choices to a lot of other stuff and I must have chosen badly. I can boot, but 5-10 seconds after login I get a kernel panic. I have tried to boot with the install usb and ran myfix. It did not help so I am now reinstalling again. I would like to set the mouse to voodoops2 (don't know if I should choose alps or synaptics) but I don't know how.
I made another install disk. I am sure it is intel and I am sure I installed the right bootpack. When I try this install today on the same machine, the screen goes black during install. I booted -v and everything looks ok. The last message I see is "acpi failed to get provider" or something like that. Then the screen turns grey like it should, but instead of seeing the installer start, the screen goes black. Is there something I can type as boot parameters to prevent this? Does someone know what could cause it?
I have successfully installed Lion (almost). But I can not get the bootlader to install. I get no error messages during install, but when I boot I get som gpt boot errors. If I insert my usb install drive, I can boot from it, select my internal drive and boot. I have tried to reinstall chameleon from MyHack, but I get an error: ERROR: Could not find valid partition table on device /dev/disk0 Unable to flag active partition I then restarted from my install drive and ran myhack from the utilities menu. Same result. I have deleteted the partiton and created it again, both as guid and mbr. Same result. Is my drive broken? Is there some way I can get chameleon to install?
I am trying Lion on my D620 which run SL fine. I installed via myhack, got a working desktop with no mouse or keyboard. I connected kb and mouse through usb and installed edp. I ran the install and rebooted. Now the screen turns black where the login screen should have appeared. Any way to fix this? If I start fresh, what did I do wrong? It is an intel gma950 at 1440x900. Any suggestions?
I have an HP laptop Elitebook 6930p. I have it docked with external monitor and I am up and running. Everything seem to work ok, I use an Apple usb-ethernet dongle for networking. I can set my 17" monitor to 1280x1064 by editing the boot.plistm but there is no kext loaded according to system information. It is an intel mobile express 45 card, but Lion sees it as intel GMAX3100. Is there anything I can do to get Quart Extreme on this card? This is what I see (Norwegian, but you get it): Ingen Kext lastet inn = no Kext loaded Brikkesettmodell: GMAX3100 Type: GPU Buss: Innebygd VRAM (totalt): 64 MB delt systemhukommelse Leverandør: Intel (0x8086) Enhets-ID: 0x2a42 Revisjons-ID: 0x0007 Kernel Extension-info: Ingen Kext lastet inn Skjermer: Skjerm: Oppløsning: 1280 x 1024 Pikseldybde: 32-bits farge (ARGB8888) Hovedskjerm: Ja Like skjermer: Av Tilkoblet: Ja
Is there a kext that enables two-finger scroll on the D620? I see in EDP that some of the mouse drivers say "two finger scroll should work", but I have not been able find anyone that actually does work with two-finger.
I could not get the 1st machine I tried to work. Ended up with another machine with intel graphics. It works well on 10.6.8. Thanks for all the input!
I tried the tip from the link above. It seems to apply to Lion, but I tried it anyway. Nothing happened. Still no wi-fi. The card is seated and it is turned on in bios. The switch is on. If I boot a Linux live-cd wi-fi works, so the card does work. I have another hackintosh, a Dell D420. If I move the card over to that machine, it also works. But not on this D620... I am running out of options...
OK. Up and running. However my wi-fi does not show up. I took the card from a D420 I have, I think it is called DW 1390 or something similar. When I boot up 10.6.0 there's no airport card present. If I put the card back into the D420, also on OSX 10.6.0, it shows up. Can a wi-fi card work in the D420, but not in the D620? This was strange...
I am planning to hackintosh a Dell D620. I have access to several. Some have broadcom wi-fi and some have intel wi-fi. Some have intel graphics and some have nvidia graphics. What is the most suitable configuration? Since the wi-fi card is easy to replace I can make sure that I start out with a machine that is as compatible as possible. Thanks.
Any news on this? I am back on SL 10.6.8 and I have a working trackpad and preferences. I can also adjust the speed. However, two things bother me about this setup. I cannot scroll with two fingers, I can only scroll with one finger at the rightmost part of the trackpad. I cannot disable "tap to click" either. This is the most annoying thing about all trackpads and I always switch that feature off. Is there a way to enable two-finger scroll on the D430 running SL 10.6.8 now?
This worked fine! However I ended up at the loginscreen with no user added... I rebooted to single mode and activated the root user. Got in ok! But a bunch of stuff didn't work in Lion so I went back to 10.6.8. But thank you for the tip!
I have installed Lion after following the instructions on the wiki. I cannot get past the setup assistant. It asks me for country, keyboard, and wi-fi. All is well. It then asks to restore from another machine, I chose no. The I get to the apple-id. I cannot simply choose continue without typing in my id. The option is greyed out. After typing in my apple-id it continues to "communicating with apple". It just keeps doing this and nothing happens. Is there a way to bypass this process? Thanks!