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  1. Hi agin Solved the bluetooth issue now only two left. No sleep and gestures work perfectly with my Apple Magic mouse but not with my Dell touchpad. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Armi
  2. Hi Thx for the great guide. I now have working Dell 1525 with Lion 10.7.3 installed. I have only one small problem. I use a USB bluetooth toggle. It worked perfectly on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 but not now. Is there any way to fix this? Thx again Armi
  3. Hi again Did exactly what you said: 1. Booted -x -s -v -f 2.Removed ktext 3.Removed Extensions.mkext Rebooted and got the following report.
  4. thx for the quick reply. will try. Armi
  5. Hi I hope you can help me. Installation went great then after writing scripts before initial restart I got the attached panic result. How can I fix this? Thx Armi
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