Thank you sipart! I ordered the 1395 Broadcom card today. What the heck, $10.00 US to breathe new life into a D430 I’ve had laying around is well worth it. Should have it this week. Will do the kext install as soon as I get the card. Worst case scenario is I will just install OSX again with the Broadcom card installed.
The Bluetooth Assistant starting every time at start up was nothing more than changing the preferences in the Bluetooth preferences pane not to start scanning for Bluetooth keyboard/mouse at startup (as per the link you provided).
As far as the Ethernet being listed as a Bluetooth PAN device…….. Hey, Ethernet works!
Thanks again! I’ll let you know how the 1395 card install goes this week. Once I have that installed and working, branding the BIOS and Broadcom card comes next