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  1. 10.9 Mavericks works as well. I think I got lucky with this build, as it was fairly simple to get working without much troubleshooting. The only important parts are the motherboard/cpu and video card. The rest is quite interchangeable and doesn't make a huge difference. My hardware: Intel DP55WG LGA1156 Mobo i7-860 CPU GTX 550ti GPU 1. Create myHack installation media. http://myhack.sojugarden.com/guide/ Basically you need the .app from the app store or the installesd.dmg from it and a working mac of some sort. Run the myHack application, it's pretty straightforward, just follow the prompts. I chose NO to the MBR patch prompt that comes up later. 2. When you boot from the media, it'll put you into a Chameleon bootloader screen. Press any key to stop the autobooting and allow you to enter bootflags. You'll need 2, -v is for verbose, oddly enough it won't boot properly without it. EHCIacquire=Yes is required for this board. It should look like this: -v EHCIacquire=Yes press Enter and wait. 3. You're at the install screen now. At the top there are utilities. Find the Disk Utility and go to Partition tab. Standard setup is 1 partition, Journaled, and GUID partition table. Once you're done, close it and install the OSX. 4. It'll restart automatically and you'll find that just about everything works except your ethernet and sleep. You'll need the AppleIntele1000e.kext. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/205771-appleintele1000ekext-for-108107106105/ Put the kext in /Extra/Extensions and run your myHack app. Choose myFix and Full. I turned Sleep off because I never use it. If you install onto an SSD, you'll find that it starts up and shuts down as fast as sleeping with hard drives. I haven't tested audio as I have a USB soundbar that works natively. But do the same as step 4, but with the audio kext. Lastly, you'll need to select an SMBIOS.plist in order to assign the best matching Mac profile to the system.
  2. Not sure how to post the list, but it was just the default/generic Extra folder in any myHack (3.3) installation or app. I tried with Lion and mLion and it happened on both. Anyway, thanks for the help guys. I've since given up on the machine (HP/Compaq C700 series) I'm trying this on, there's just a few too many things, as I've discovered, that just won't work properly beyond Leopard/Tiger.
  3. OK, I may be mistaken about it being PS2. Those kexts were already there and I ran myFix and nothing changed. I'm really confused now. Perhaps it's not a PS2 device? What are the names of other trackpad kexts? I don't know which ones to copy over from the USB installer. It didn't show up in the lspci command I ran in Terminal. Is there a method to find out what my device is? Thanks!
  4. Just wondering, since the posts are old, does that method with MLPF still break a lot of apps/utilities because it changes the kernel? I was hoping it would be as simple as getting a kext and installing it. Is it much simpler to get it done on Lion? Because it looks like you didn't need MLPF. If so, I'll just get that going instead. Thanks for the help!
  5. Been searching all over, I cannot find a kext for it. Assuming that's what I'm supposed to do. Any step by step help would be appreciated!
  6. Installed 10.8.5 on my old laptop (C776CA). The trackpad during the installation process was very smooth and not overly sensitive. After the installation, it's extremely sensitive and does not work very well. I also cannot change any settings in the Trackpad section in System Preferences, as it does not detect a trackpad to be present, even though it "works." I would like to know how to get the same trackpad driver / kext that was used during the installation, as it worked much better. Thanks!
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