Hey guys,
So I update this post as I believe it is more specific than the "E6420 Research Thread".
I have successfully installed Maverick (OS X 10.9)
I have almost everything working here, here the list of what doesn't work :
- SD Card (Don't think it can ever work, Can anyone confirm ?)
- Quicktime and QuickLook on video (CoreAudio/CoreVideo crash ?)
- Sleep
- Battery Status
- Screen brightness
What annoyed the most (but is now working):
- WiFi (Replaced with Broadcom BCM94322HM8L)
- The sound (Finally got it right thx to Jake Lo, I stole the AppleHDA.kext from there)
- The resolution at boot (Also modify E6430 smbios.plist --with vimdiff-- using the smbios.plist from JakeLo, thank you for this !!!)
- Trackpad (I used RehabmanMerge.zip 979.39KB from there, thank you Bpedman !!!)
Ok so I modified the package Dell Latitude E6430 from Compatibility & Bootpacks, and changed the few details listed above to match the E6420. This finally after two weeks work pretty well.
Ok, So back to what does not work :
> Sleep (I'd say it doesn't matter much, I have bought a 120Gb SSD for 60EUR / Universal Caddy for 10EUR)
My boot will be fast enough, to disable sleep and just shutdown the hackintosh whenever not in use.
> SD Card (I don't really care either)
> Battery Status (I have a running laptop with 0% battery life, bet you're jealous)
> Screen Brightness (Is it any patch for this)
> Quicktime, Ok I'd say it doesn't matter as VLC works fine, and flash / html5 etc...
Now the big trouble is that the laptop heat a lot, and sucks the battery pretty fast.
I am really concerned about the heat even doh, it is smooth and only crash when readin video using Quicktime or the Quicklook.
The strange thing is that Final Cut Pro which I think also use CoreVideo / CoreAudio run fine.
Can anyone help please ?
This built is really the only thing I could use so feel free to use it.
(Indeed the Nero Extra provided by JakeLo, make my E6420 flickering on black screen, until the screen stay stuck in black).
JakeLo, if you got some time to help me on this, I would really appreciate it.