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Posts posted by toyreon

  1. UPDATE!!!...... After trial and error,I was able to get 10.6 on my dell d430 thanks to a close friend of mine. The only problem I'm having now is black screen on every boot but I found a way to override it, and also sleep does not work. I have working wifi, usb, sound, and graphics that even support quartz extreme and video acceleration. I am now ready to begin to install osx lion, I dont know where to start so I will just begin with the wikis on this site, but after going through all the failed installations, I could really use a break. any tips installing lion on dell d430, Im open to any tips. Thanks you guys.

  2. Hi, sorry if you guys are tired of hearing this question but I require a little extra direction. I want to Install lion on my dell d430, I already read the wiki but Im still a little confused. I some how managed to get os x 10.5.7 successfully installed on it already, which I'm using right now to write this, but I really want to experience the lion version. Okay, so I have the 8gb flash drive, but I'm confused as to where to get the correct version of the lion installation as there are so many different versions of it, and some that are modded. The rest I think I can do. And since I have version 10.5 currently does this mean I will have to use a windows computer to format my flash drive. I hope you guys can help with with some easy to understand directions ( like i'm a kid). Thank you.

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