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Everything posted by CronixD

  1. Now I have a new problem. I managed that the trackpad gets found in the installer. I booted with the stick in the USB 3.0 port and after the chameleon loader was done and the black screen started the message: no root device found was displayed. Then I pulled out my stick from the USB 3.0 port and switched it to the USB 2.0 port, while the message was displayed. immediately the installer was loaded and my trackpad worked. Now I can boot into Mac OSX after the installation and I configured my mac. My issue now: when I boot and lock in options my élan trackpad is not found. WLAN is not recognized. Only Ethernet.
  2. Hi, thanks a lot! it is about the usb3.0 port. is there any posibility to use it? because I need to use one port for my usb mouse and one for my usb stick. (I just have 2 USB Ports ) kind regards edit: or could I somehow use my trackpad? It is definitly not working with the installed bootpack from this website.
  3. It's hard to Tell. The Installer boots correctly but I can't use my touchpad. Only my keyboard. I am quite new to this stuff.. Is there a boot flag to use the generic ps2 controller or something like that? I used the OS X latitude boot pack for my laptop and can see the logo in chameleon. I can't really explain this issue to myself. Thanks. Edit: I forgot to say: At the Cameleon OSX Latitude Screen my USB mouse is supplied and "glows" red. As soon as the black screen arrives and the installer loads, unfortunetly the supply is gone and the mouse doesnt "glows" red anymore.
  4. I managed to continue to the "choose extra option" with my keyboard. Thanks to strg + f2 and strg + f4. But now I cannot change the extra option with my keyboard to "my own one". Are there any posibilities to do it with the keyboard?
  5. Hi, I followed your samsung np900x3c guide. Thanks for it! Now I arrived at the installation screen. My big problem is now, that I can't use my touchpad or a USB mouse. Is there any way how to navigate with keyboard (using disk utility etc.) without a mouse or to fix this problem? Thanks.
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