Hi everyone,
i am new to the site and to the hackintosh community.
I found OSXLatitude by chance while looking for ways to install Lion.
Thanks to the installation tools available here I managed to install a bootable Lion on my D630
(so far unsuccessful with other method such as unifail). Thank you all for your work !
I am not yet understanding all technical terms and kext thingies but trying hard.
I have identified a problem, or maybe this is normal please let me know what you think:
After booting on the new install I ran Chameleon and EDP 2.2, all good, the partition boots without the usb pen.
I then run edpcommand in extra and launched the build which installs successfuly but then a grayish screen tells me in several languages to switch off and restart!
Looks like it comes with the trackpad driver option:
First attemp tried option 3, restarting screen happens and trackpad doesnt work
second attempt after a clean reinstall, tried option 1, restarting screen happens again, i restarted and it booted properly but trackpad doesnt work.
so cant do anything, didnt have a usb mouse with me so couldnt try to run edp with other option yet.
both time i answered Yes to the kext installation questions.
maybe this is normal but as the edpcommand says to press enter to go back to main menu at the end of the process i thought it was wrong that the OS freezes and asks for restart.
any suggestion??
Mr A.