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  1. May I have one more question. I successfully disabled the discrete Nvidia card using your guide, but I notice the script include setting DVMT buffer to 96MB, but I still cannot boot without the Clover's DVMT buffer patch (a panic related to AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer). As my understanding, this script sets buffer size to 96MB and the DVMT patch should be unneccessary. Please correct me if I'm missing something. P/S: The issue above is on a Mojave setup.
  2. Just to be sure before making everything a mess, I have a question. What does install_to_ESP actually mean? Will it not override or corrupt existing Windows and Clover boot item on my hard drive?
  3. @jonnyThanks a ton. This is the solution I have been finding for almost half a year!!! My hackintosh can now become more helpful in daily usage, that it couldn't before, due to the annoying steps when boot/reboot. Chose the 1st menu entry to disable discrete Nvida card, and now both the black screen after waking from sleep, and card switching disabled issue have gone. But I have 2 questions: 1. I copied your EFI folder to my existing hackintosh USB's to use the script. That causes my hackintosh rescue USB stop working, certainly. Is there a way to have both your booting script and clover booting on the same USB, that will be convenient to only maintain a single USB. 2. Because I both use may laptop as a Windows and Hackintosh, and it will be preferred to have both graphics card on Windows, so is there a way to acquire that without booting to choose the 2nd option (restore BIOS setting) before booting to Windows. Thanks in advance.
  4. Mine is 1.15.4 version. I also tried your bootpack before, but totally failed. It booted, but no QI/CE, no sound, no wireless, no power management, no USB ports working, so I decided to build everything up from scratch, using Rehabman's F.A.Qs knowledge. I uploaded my problem report package in previous post. Will you have a look and point out something I did wrong?
  5. Hi, Jake. I have quite same hardware like you, installing Sierra 10.12.6. Almost function works well, except the most annoyed thing, black screen after waking from sleep. And graphic switching keeps reset, no matter what reboot or shutdown. These two issues prevent me from using my mackintosh as a daily laptop. As of your post, it seems you doesn't have those, right? At least with shutdown, graphic switching is not disabled? In that case, may I have any suggestion on a patch or something like that. Attached is my clover config. Report.zip
  6. Sorry for making confused. In my first try, it didn't work, but a few next tries, it worked, only before sleeping. Attached log file. Sleep and wake from 10:25 ~ 10:26 For the random not-work issue, as you suggested inbox, maybe caused by touching touchpad while booting. log_alps.txt
  7. Sad to hear that. So must satisfy with usb card reader for now. Thanks for quick answers.
  8. That means no hope, at least at this moment?As my understanding, these pcie readers (O2, realtek, and maybe others) share the same interface or standard stuff). Just need a correct method to fake MacOS to load the device, right? I hope so to be able to play around some more to get it work, for example using rehabman Fake_PCIID.
  9. Tried the O2 Micro SD card reader patch, seem to be loaded correctly in ioreg, but still no card shown in system info as well as Finder. Any suggestion please? GiangNVT’s Hackintosh_sdxc_hack.ioreg.zip DSDT.dsl.zip
  10. I still have problem with sleep. Work perfectly but touchpad stops responding after waking from sleep, keyboard works normally before and after sleep. My hw is Dell ALPS touchpad v8, on Dell precision M7510.
  11. 2017-01-02 23:53:26.048760+0900 0x103 Default 0x0 0 kernel: (kernel) ALPS: identify: not an ALPS device. Error getting E6 report 2017-01-02 23:53:26.048763+0900 0x103 Default 0x0 0 kernel: (kernel) ALPS: identify: not an ALPS device. Invalid E6 report 2017-01-02 23:53:26.372120+0900 0x103 Default 0x0 0 kernel: (kernel) ALPS: identify: not an ALPS device. Error getting E7/EC report Hi, everyone, I'm new here. Tried with R6RC2, trackpad not work (above log shows that). Keyboard works. My hw is ALPS V8. It works fine on JakeLo_v2 before. Some more questions please. - My display is 4k and scrolling/tracking speed is quite slow with default kext. Must change reduce Resolution and ScrollingResolution in info.plist by 2 times (set to 200) to have a decent speed (as on Windows), which I guess caused by 4k resolution (or not???). So it would be useful if there's some detection for screen resolution to adjust the value automatically. - The JakeLo_v2 works fine (2 fingers scrolling, 3 finger gesture, tapping. But 2 fingers right click works very unstable. 6,7 of 10 times it fails (find no same report in this thread, wonder it's caused by the 4k resolution too?) - In #1 it states that 3/4 finger gestures are supported, and I confirmed it works with 3 fingers. Does this kext support 3 and 4 fingers separatedly (that means total 4 gesture, up/down 3 fingers and up/down 4 fingers). Tested with 4 fingers and it seems to report 3 fingers gesture only.
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