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Posts posted by pcguru

  1. I am new here too, so can see both sides to the story. As BronxTeck points out this is a volunteer effort, and that must be allowed for. Yet we are mostly technical professionals doing this as a hobby, and I suspect that like me, you all endeavour to make your hobbyist work as good as, or maybe better than, the work you do for pay. As you say "One team that cares and loves the thing we are good at". Certainly this site gives an impression of being very professionally created.


    I take Joe's post as simply saying that there is a danger that the overall professional look of the site may mislead a newbie to assume everything will work as stated in the compatibility list. The truth of course was stated by Darvinko: there are all sorts of complexities, including upgrade path, BIOS versions, and things that can cause issues, even the make of flash drive used. To take the Latitude D series as an example, it makes a huge difference whether you have a UMA or nVidia graphics motherboard, yet this is not mentioned on the outside of the computer. Similarly those familiar with the HP Pavillion range of laptops will know that you can't tell anything from a marketing label such as "dv6" for that "model" name includes very different motherboards, some AMD some Intel, with different graphics, concealed inside identical cases.


    So I feel that you could do more to post a warning, along the lines of Darvinko's post, before a newbie can read the compatibility list. It would also be nice if the list included the number of members who had tried that particular entry, and a link to their comments. Of course this would need a more formal feedback system to encourage every member to post their experience, even if it only stated "worked as stated". That would have made it easy for Joe to post his experiences (including what he had to do to fix the problems) as a guide to others and as feedback for the team who maintain your marvellous EDP.


    So thanks to all you talented people for your hard work but don't be afraid to state the limitations of your EDP tool.  As I always tell my customers, "We do the impossible every day, but miracles may take a little longer". 


    Paul, aka "The PC Guru", Austin TX

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