Hey Guys,
So I have had some experience installing OSX in the past on dell gear (like optiplex 760) and a couple of other non dell systems so I decided to give a try with a D820 that I have laying around. I have been using the guide :http://www.r2x2.com/users/lsb/weblog/1b8db/ and have used my storebought 10.6.3 install disc. Everything works great for the most part after the install however if I attempt to get opengl working, flush kextcache or perform an osx update to anything above the version installed I get the black screen of death and / or loss of wireless connectivity. I have done some research and came across :http://osx86blog.blogspot.com/2009/10/intel-gmax3100-and-gma950-sleep-display.html I have performed the steps mentioned here to no avail (my system doesnt appear to be accepting arch=i386 either as once its booted I can use an external monitor to login and see that all the of the apps running are 64bit. Anyone have any ideas on what I can try next? I believe I have this machine pretty well completed but I just need to figure out what is necessary to get it stable with the kexts / updates loading correctly.
Any suggestions are welcome!
Forgot to mention I am running A10 (latest bios revision)