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Everything posted by albertluis

  1. thanks for the replay i got it up and running know i think my dsdt file was messing everything up and i didnt know that myhack provides u with all the basic kernel need it to boot the pc and i was putting them in extra folder i dont have audio though but im not worry about it im just trying to get it running computer is not performing as well as it should and sometimes it freezes
  2. Hello My specs Motherboard: asus m5a97 r2.0 CPU: FX 8350 GPU: Radeon hd 7950 Ram:4GB i have install mavericks successfully multiple times and i can boot it for the first time I'm using my extra(the one provided by myhack) i do make some changes like boot flags and some kext but when i restart the pic i get a kp appleacpiplatformexpert won't start but if i got back and install the extra folder the one in the myhack usb the kp goes away but then i have an other problem my pc gets stuck on resetting IOCatalogue I'm wondering if anybody have install mavericks on a pc with or close specs and what kernel to use to make it boot with no problem i can work on the rest slowly Thanks in advance sorry if I'm hard to understand o and i apologize if I'm posting in the wrong category(i hope I'm not)
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