Hi All,
I am new to Mac and this forum. Did a lots of reading and found helpful info. Now I am stuck. Please advise.
This is my hardware Dell d630, bios a18, 3gb ram, 120gb ssd, NVS 135, LCD 1440x900. Intel wireless removed.
Bios is configured per guide in this forum.
Mac os DVD 10.6.1. Fresh install on on Mac. no updates installed.
Installed myhack 3.2 and got the panic mode.
Searched in the forum that found that the is bug in 3.2.
Downloaded myhack 3.1 and Extra folder for Dell 620 Nvidia card. Run 3.1 and then added extra folder.
Boot from usb , run command -x -v Mac os background loads ok, then after language selection I get this error.
"Mac Os x cant be installed on this computer.
Need some experts advice