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Everything posted by karpais

  1. Thank you Hervé. I have installed VoodooHDA 2.8.4 and works like a charm, now my Dell D630 Rocks. Thanks
  2. Hi! I have follow OS X Latitude guides and MLPostFactor V3, i manage to instal with sucess Mountain Lion 10.8.4 on my Dell D630, thanks to you guys. Everything's working but the sound, i have run EDP, but AppleHDA don't seams to work. Can someone help me please? Thank You.
  3. karpais

    EDP Problems?

    I have done exactly the same thing, and after installing EDP in Applications, edptool.command is not findable in the EXTRA folder. Some ideas??? Thank you.
  4. karpais

    EDP Problems?

    I am having the same issue with an empty /extra after installing EDP, and i can't run EDP because i have no edptool.command in Extra. Can someone help Thank you.
  5. Hi! Thanks to you guys I have my Dell D630 with Lion 10.7.4. The only problem is that it Sleeps and i have to shut it down completly and boot again. Can someone help me please? Thank you!
  6. karpais

    Dell D630

    Dear Syonagar I'm going to do what you told me, hopping i get my D630 working finaly. Thank you very much
  7. karpais

    Dell D630

    Hi! iMic. Yes i did install EDP and i'm running 10.7.4 and every thing was fine until i search and install the updates from software update. Every options i've tried didn't work : -v -f -x , even mach_kernel arch=i386, and nothing it allways stop on the spec i rowt above. Carlos
  8. karpais

    Dell D630

    Hello! I have made an Lion install with USB and all was fine until i made apple software search and install. When i boot there is no disk activity and when i boot with -v it stops on Mac Framework successfully initialized using 15728 buffer headers and 9912 cluster IO buffer headers Current tsc from rdtsc64() is 5949432840. Rendezvouing.. VoodooTSCSyn::doTSC(): stamp_tsc was called: 2 times IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87 ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5] Can anyone help me please? Thank you in advance. Carlos
  9. Thank you JawhnL5 I´ll do that, then i let you know. Thank you! Carlos
  10. Hello! I´m intalling Lion on my Dell with Intel graphic and i have one question. Do i use the boot flags -v -f -x after the installation or do i select only the lion partition? Thank you for your help. Carlos
  11. karpais


    Hello, I have a Dell D630 with intel graphics, is there an instalation guide for Lion? I would like very much to put my D630 on the go. Can someone help me please? Thanks Carlos
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