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  1. Hello everyone, got 10.7.4 to work great on my dell d630. Everything seems to work perfect, except CPU(T7100) speed is not 1800 MHz as it should be, but 1620 MHz. Is this a well known problem or something new? And is it possible to get it working on 1800 MHz? Last EDP Itanium
  2. Thanks for welcoming and thanks for the fast answer In fact I created OS X installation and even added EXTRA folder with myhack. Haven't tried that patch yet, will try. OK, just put that file in my flash and now I'm installing OS X! Hope that everything works from the first time, because bootable USB pen was made from vmware on the same DELL. Thank you very much iMick!
  3. Hello everyone, I have a Dell d630 with 1 GB RAM and because of that I can't install Mac OS X Lion on it. I'm waiting for my second 1 GB RAM module from ebay, but don't know when it will arrive (if will). So, is there any way to remove this requirement and install Lion on a dell with 1 GB RAM? I tried to use forum search, but didn't find the answer. Though I think I remember seeing something like that few days ago.
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