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Everything posted by Sven1848

  1. I solved it on my own. Using the docking station with a DVI to HDMI Adapter (3€ Amazon) und you got it on a Smart TV without any Drivers. It works perfect!
  2. Hallo! I've tried to clone my D630 Yosemite HDD with Clonezilla completly. So i tested it by restoring the Image to another HDD. But when I changed the HDDs for testing the Computer does not boot only the Cursor is blinking. So what did ich do wrong. The D630 has no UEFI Bios but there is an EFI Partition on the Drive. I used Clonezilla for BIOS Computers. Did anyone tried it with clonezilla or another tool sucessfully? Greetings Sven
  3. Did anybody tried this before? Otherwise I would spend 10€ for a cable to try and report it? Another alternative is the Docking-Station with DVI-D Output to HDMI. With best regards! Sven
  4. Another question is if anybody has a file for the D630 Display because it does not look really good under Yosemite... With best regards Sven
  5. Hallo! My Dell D630 runs almost perfect with Yosemite. Because of the nVidia Bug I ordered a Board with a GPU produced in 2010 . The System is running now again. But I removed the coolpads und the copperplate. I bend the HeatPipe part to lay almost on the GPU and Chipset und put mx-4 paste between it. Is this a better solution? I installed Hardwaremonitor und the CPU (T8100 Intel DuoCore 2.1GHz) ist between 50-60 degrees and the GPU 60 degrees and after HD Video or Game almost 70 degrees. (Celsius) The Fan runs only sometimes and not permanently. Is this ok or should I build in the old heatpipe with die Pads and the copper plate? Thank you! With best regards! I am sure Herve knows somethink about it
  6. Ok Bluetooth Is working now fine. I still have to use the -f Kernel Flag but it is ok I wrote it in the chameleon.boot.plist . After installing some updates and programs the D630 is shutting down (the corsor disappears and the circle Is spinning) the screen becomes black but the power led, the bluetooth led und the fan Is still on and you have to power oft the dell per hand
  7. Thank you. I will try it tomorrow and I am looking forward that bluetooth und clean booting will run. Have a nice evening everybody!
  8. Thanks I will try this on Monday evening. I also have a bt adapter from the D430 which works with 10.6. How can I fix tue currupt cache of myHack.kext?
  9. Hi! As I mentioned the Device was recognized an installed OOB but it does not discover anything with the Bluetooth Wizard. I deleted the bluetooth.plist in /Library/Preferences and ran kext Wizard to rebuild the cache and extensions and all these things. But after a restart the problem is still the same. Another point is my sound card is running since i installed the Vooodooo HDA 2.8.6. But now I have to set the kernel flag -f. If it is not set it does not boot and the only thing you see is the OSXLatitute Symbol... The BIOS Settings (A17) are completely set like they are described here. Or should i get an bluetooth USB Dongle which runs OOB from ebay or Amazon? But what is the right device? The Device: INTERNAL BLUETOOTH Dell D630 Name: Cambridge Silicon Radio Firmware: 4315 Manufactor ID: 0x413C Product ID: 0x8140 Greetings Sven
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