i have recently installed OS X 10.6.8 via EDP on my D630 without any problems (thanks to the osxlatitude crew).
Everything is working just fine (even native speedstep!), except the USB ports and Bluetooth after the computer wakes from sleep.
I get the device removal message if there's a USB drive plugged in and my usb devices (e.g. my external soundcard or my midi controller) staying disconnected until i remove the usb drive (which is still usable) and plug it back in. Also the Bluetooth device stays dissappeared after sleep (which is not a big problem for me, because i don't use that).
So, i wondered if somebody else in this forum have similar problems and if there's a solution for this issue? Maybe a DSDT edit?
I have already tried to enable the usb wake support in the bios settings, but no improvements. I also was messing around with UHCI and EHCI devices in the DSDT, according to this thread: Link, but also no luck (i don't know much about DSDT editing).
Besides, i found out that there's a setting in the bios where you can bypass the password request when the pc came back from sleep, if you have set one for getting sleep to work. So, you don't have to do that no more every time the computer wakes (for me it works).
Here my Specs:
Dell Latitude D630, Intel GMA X3100, BIOS A17
Sorry for my bad english guys, i'm from germany