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Everything posted by jochenende

  1. That's kinda strange... Maybe an older BIOS version or not the DSDT from EDP?
  2. Nice, works well! Thank you very much!
  3. but that's a normal behaviour of this machines, isn't it? i've tested it with windows 7, and there you are getting the same behaviour of fan...
  4. I've noticed following issue with the volume settings of the integrated audio codec after restart: The volume settings that i have made are stored in sound prefpane properly, also after reboot, but once i change the output volume via multimedia keys or with the volume slider in the menu-bar, the volume jumps first to max. and then it behaves normally. It also seems that the volume slider is not "linked" to the the multimedia keys, because if i change the output volume with the multimedia keys there are no visible changes in the menu bar item (also the slider stays at maximum). Once i move the slider it seems like the slider takes control over the output volume setting and vice versa (sorry, it's a little bit hard to explain...) Also the volume settings are not stored properly when the computer goes to sleep - after a wake, the output volume is set to maximum. But for this case i found a workaround using sleepwatcher (made for former versions of voodoohda, but also works fine for applehda and fakestac, just let me know if anybody needs that...) So, I wanted to ask if somebody noticed same behaviour on his machine and if that's a known issue with applehda + fakestac or is there maybe a simple solution? Thanks.
  5. Have you ever tried to reapair your permissions via diskutility? I had to do that after a new install of OS X, otherwise sleep didn't work properly with USB wake support enabled. I had the "BIOS reset issue" too, but only at first reboot after sleep after a fresh install of OS X. Once I have set the right values in BIOS again - no more problems (rebooting is a little bit slower after sleep because of the progress bar at the "DELL-screen" loads slower, but it works without BIOS reset.) But thats on Snow Leopard...
  6. Okay, thank you! I'd set the password because of the computer wasn't able to wake without in 10.6.3 and with BIOS A04. So i thought i might need it. And the "Disconnected device" problem persisted even if the computer was plugged in. Whatever, i'm glad that it is working now... Besides, i have read somewhere more often that on some real Macs (such as older MacMini or MacBook) you get those messages too.
  7. if anybody's interested, i "solved" the problem incidentally by deactivating the system password. now sleep works fine without usb device removal plus i got rid of that anoying password request at startup...
  8. I already searched the forum and the only thread i found relating to my problem was this: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/992-bluetooth-reconnect-after-wake-from-sleep/ I've tried to edit my dsdt according to this thread, but it doesn't work (i've tried to add the _S3D and _S4D methods to my uhci and ehci devices). I think the problem is that the voltage from the usb ports gets detached when the computer enters sleep and i wonder that the usb wake support setting has no effect on this behaviour. In kernel.log i found this, after wakeup: Sep 8 18:52:40 localhost kernel[0]: The USB device USB Audio CODEC (Port 1 of Hub at 0x1d000000) may have caused a wake by being disconnected Sep 8 18:52:40 localhost kernel[0]: The USB device HubDevice (Port 1 of Hub at 0x5d000000) may have caused a wake by being disconnected
  9. Hello, i have recently installed OS X 10.6.8 via EDP on my D630 without any problems (thanks to the osxlatitude crew). Everything is working just fine (even native speedstep!), except the USB ports and Bluetooth after the computer wakes from sleep. I get the device removal message if there's a USB drive plugged in and my usb devices (e.g. my external soundcard or my midi controller) staying disconnected until i remove the usb drive (which is still usable) and plug it back in. Also the Bluetooth device stays dissappeared after sleep (which is not a big problem for me, because i don't use that). So, i wondered if somebody else in this forum have similar problems and if there's a solution for this issue? Maybe a DSDT edit? I have already tried to enable the usb wake support in the bios settings, but no improvements. I also was messing around with UHCI and EHCI devices in the DSDT, according to this thread: Link, but also no luck (i don't know much about DSDT editing). --- Besides, i found out that there's a setting in the bios where you can bypass the password request when the pc came back from sleep, if you have set one for getting sleep to work. So, you don't have to do that no more every time the computer wakes (for me it works). --- Here my Specs: Dell Latitude D630, Intel GMA X3100, BIOS A17 Sorry for my bad english guys, i'm from germany
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