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  1. Hello everyone, I try to install High-Sierra on a DELL 5490 but at each start, I get a kernel panic. - Bios 1.5.0 (last) - Cpu i5-8250U - 8 Go Ram (2 X 4Go) - Clover 4674. I tried the different Clover configurations and DSDT/SSDT provided in the previous post but nothing to do. Can someone help me ? Here my ACPI/origin. acpi-origin.zip
  2. Thank's, After remove SSDT-3.aml, my 5480 start installer and now running 10.13.2. Only touchpad doesn't work while i placed VoodooI2C in my kexts folder and also removed AppleIntelLpssI2C.kext, AppleIntelLpssI2CController.kext and AppleHPM.kext from /S/L/E. I just have to replace the Wifi card (Intel 8265) by a compatible. 10.13.x_E5480_efi_bootpack.zip
  3. As suggested, I deleted the named files, the problem remains the same. Here's my KP screenshot.
  4. Same issue with a fresh Clover 4359 installation (cf. Clover_Install_Log.txt in attachement). drivers64UEFI on december. EFI.zip
  5. Installer doesn't start, i can't put LE folder to /Library/Extensions harddrive folder. Harddrive is formatted.
  6. I didn't move any kexts. I just copy Other in Other and Other/LE in Other/LE.
  7. Hi, I'm sorry for my bad English. I can't start High Sierra 10.13.2 installer from USB on my E5480 : - BIOS 1.6.4, - i5-7200U, - intel HD 620, - 8Go RAM, - Clover 4359. I'm using Clover configuration from Post#4 and I get kernel panic like Post#3. Also add boot-arg -disablegfxfirmware. My EFI folder as attachment. Please need help ! EFI.zip
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