I had tried doing a hackintosh with my D620 before and gave up since it was real problematic. I decided to try again and everything seems to be working great this time.I have one of the docks,and when I undock the dell the trackpad acts up.I can't get the cursor to move but a tiny little bit and it starts highlighting.Also,when I redock the dell it won't start charging,like it's not on the dock at all.Are these issues fixable,or am I doomed to not be able to use the dock.My build specs are:
Dell Latitude D620
Intel core 2 duo 2ghz
2 gigs ram
intel graphics low
osx 10.7.5 lion
made usb with myhack3.1.2,extra folder from here,and latest E.D.P.
Thanks to everyone on this site for all you guys do.I would never have understood how do mackintosh without the help of osxlatitude.