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Everything posted by larsencreate

  1. Wow i bet you wonder how I got this far ha ha. Well I realized that I deleted some things on accident editing my config.plist in text edit. Back to working as awesome as it did in Yosemite. Thanks for the help Jake Lo, you're a huge asset to this community. I was banging my head against my screen. Appreciate the help!
  2. Boot glitches still there for me and no sound. May be missing something, anyone want to take a look at my config.plist and see if I am missing something? config.plist.zip
  3. I was able to successfully install and boot to El Cap, but after restart, getting this KP upon boot up.. Sun Oct 4 07:17:42 2015 *** Panic Report *** panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80003cdeca): "PHYSMAP_PTOV bounds exceeded, 0xffffff2710410068, 0xfffffea780000000, 0xfffffee780000000"@/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-3247.1.106/osfmk/i386/pmap.h:463 Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address 0xffffff8106fdbc50 : 0xffffff80002e5357 0xffffff8106fdbcd0 : 0xffffff80003cdeca 0xffffff8106fdbd40 : 0xffffff80003cdb46 0xffffff8106fdbd90 : 0xffffff80008c689d 0xffffff8106fdbdd0 : 0xffffff7f823c5e91 0xffffff8106fdbe10 : 0xffffff7f823c47f8 0xffffff8106fdbe40 : 0xffffff7f823c4777 0xffffff8106fdbe60 : 0xffffff80008a3bdc 0xffffff8106fdbee0 : 0xffffff800089d212 0xffffff8106fdbf00 : 0xffffff80003196ba 0xffffff8106fdbfb0 : 0xffffff80003d14b7 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: org.emlydinesh.driver.EAPDFix(2.0.1)[5EA27FE0-A297-3D09-95C2-8149A1A4B5EE]@0xffffff7f823c3000->0xffffff7f823ccfff dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController(272.50)[7A5FAC87-3715-3982-8CCC-D4FA619D62C3]@0xffffff7f82260000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily(203.8)[189C80CB-2EFA-31A9-9380-AD970C691BBC]@0xffffff7f80c9c000 dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily(2.0.0)[353AFBA9-8775-34E3-BF8B-40D7AD2C500A]@0xffffff7f811d3000 BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: dart=0 -gux_defer_usb2 kext-dev-mode=1 -v "Kernel=/System/Library/Kernels/kernel" slide=0 Any suggestions? I was able to boot in safe mode but don't have access to EFI in safe mode.. --EDIT-- Had to boot into my windows partition to edit the kexts in my 10.11 folder. had a bad one in there. Don't know how it got there! But fixed.
  4. This worked great for me. I was getting stuck on generating a valid serial number with Clover Configurator. I was trying with my model as Macbook Air. Once I switched my model to a MacBook Pro, it did generate a valid number, and I was able to log into iMessage after a reboot! Thanks for the great link
  5. I have had great success with this guide, have been running Yosemite in a stable state since December with extremely minimal issues. The only issue I haven't yet tackled is the iMessage activation issue. From what I can see, my issue is probably due to invalid serial number in my config.plist file. No matter how many serial numbers I generate with Clover Configurator, I always get an invalid serial number when I test it with the apple web site. Has anyone had any luck getting iMessage working? If so, any steps they had to take? Thanks everyone. Your info in this thread has been invaluable to me thus far.
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