All USB ports seems to work after wake.
Installed your suggested kexts and got the network cards up and running.
voodooHDA was not working for me so I had to patch appleHDA. thanks for pointing me into the right direction.
The video card seems to be working ok but not perfect for the following reason:
-The system seems stable. but the moment the video cable is unplug the system will crash. -When booting with 2 or more video connection to the graphics ports (VGA, HDMI, VGA) the system will reboot -If the computer connect to an airplay display, it will connect but the image is not perfect (kinda shaky) and when trying to disconnect fro the apple display it won't I have attached a copy of the config.plist I'm currently using with some of your suggestions here Is there something different I could try to fix the video problem?