I don't know what i still should do.
I did my own ssdt file and delete all from jake's, also i installed the new genericUSB.kext from jake's post.
Then i run myfix quick and reboot, but the problem is the same.
Also i test to set hibernate mode with pmset to 0 pmset -g says it is set to 0 reboot and after a time the powerbutton of my e6530 is flashing yet still...
Is it anyway the hibernate or somthing other?
Should a yosemite install maybe fix this problem?
A other thank is, after running myfix that i must start osx two times at first it is hanging up at the apple logo.
Or is it a problem with win 7 dualboot.
Also in win i disabled hibernation but there also he is going to sleep with a flashing powerbutton.
Thanks for your help.