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Posts posted by zxmac

  1. Any version I install the keyboard works fine but my mouse wont move or button click so I have to use a usb mouse this is a laptop by the way the onboard keyboard works and the mouse does not (I'm new to hacintosh) 


    If you indeed have an Elan touchpad can you try to boot in Windows first and check if it works?


    If it works in Windows try to do a reboot (but don't completely shutdown/power off the laptop) and boot into OS X and check if it works then.

  2. Hi,

      I have the ApplePS2ElanTouchpad.kext injected through Clover on my Yosemite (10.10.1) Hackintosh, and it does work perfectly sometimes. However sometimes (usually after a reboot) the trackpad refuses to work (although the keyboard gets detected and works ok).


    During the boot (with the -v option in Clover) I can see some messages similar to:


    ETD :: failed in setting the touchpad to default state


    I've done some research and found this kind of issue also occurs in Linux, and that some fixes were recently implemented for Linux:





    Can you please check this and help me fix it? I'm happy to test any fixes/patches you might have.



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