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Everything posted by javajedi

  1. Hey guys, I need your advice! Got Lenovo e330, CPU intel core i5 Graphics Intel HD4000 Nvidia 610m HDD: Sata Bios: EFI Phioneix Detailed specs: http://myfiles.96.lt/public/ http://myfiles.96.lt..._BIOS_specs.png http://myfiles.96.lt...pecs1_short.png http://myfiles.96.lt..._long_part1.png http://myfiles.96.lt..._long_part2.png http://myfiles.96.lt..._long_part2.png Created with MyHack Mavericks 10.9.5 bootable flashdrive with chameleon Used LenovoE330 specific configs provided by osx latetude site: chameleon.plist, SMBIOS.plist, DSDT.aml which I have updated my myHack usb installer with. USB Flashdrive was partitioned with GPT partition schema In bios set AHCI mode, Legacy only Successfully boot into Installer from USB then it asks for BT keyboard and mouse, I connect, it goes to lang selection, confirm. And then when install should start I got: "The OSX Installation couldn't be completed" see screenshort: http://myfiles.96.lt...yHack/image.jpg Also it shows error log: http://myfiles.96.lt...ic/myHack/E.jpg http://myfiles.96.lt...ic/myHack/F.jpg Please HELP!
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