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  1. Here's a link for finding the SSDT that's right for you: http://www.tonycrapx86.com/attachments/hp-probook-4530s/23166d1340232840-ssdts-all-i3-i5-i7-please-test-give-feedback-ssdt.zip (Updated mine for the i5-2430M CPU for instance...) PS Leave feedback at http://www.tonycrapx86.com/hp-probook-4530s/56622-ssdts-all-i3-i5-i7-please-test-give-feedback.html
  2. in my current working config I don't use any arguments other than the ones in my boot.plist file I'll attach my current dsdt.aml ssdt.aml and boot.plist files files.zip plus i'm currently using Chameleon v3070 boot loader if you're having boot problems try using the following arguments: PCIrootUID=1 NPCI=0x3000
  3. updated my Extra folder (see prev post). Has new boot.plist settings and updated DSDT
  4. Currently i'm trying different modifications to my DSDT to see which patcher improve the system and which make it less stable. The current config i'm testing is enabling brightness control is System Preferences (If I do, it keeps starting up at full brightness but it's attached to the "fn+F3" key to dim it (the "fn+up", "fn+down" still apply), but when i remove it from the DSDT it relies on the native brightness ("fn+up", "fn+down") control keys. I'm not still sure if anything else is affected by this change. As to the configuration, I can just attach my current Extra folder to make it easier to get it running (I'm not sure if the above-provided kexts will work on any other OS other than 10.8 but it doesn't hurt to try (just need to make a way to quickly revert the changes just in case, to save time). Just replace (don't forget to save your old files) the /extra folder with this one: Extra.zip (updated 8 Dec 2012) As to the ML installation process... I've made a dedicated ML Install USB which I've obtained from somewhere (don't remember where exactly) but it's a process that uses a Windows-based program called SUSE to record a *.raw image of the ML installer directly to a USB drive. It's available via torrent (I'll IM the link to you). After the SUSE program created the ML Install partition on the USB drive I installed Chameleon with the Easy Boot option onto the USB (don't remember exactly why though).
  5. For Retina-like resolution: in Terminal: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool YES; // by the way, you need to logout and log back in for this to take effect. // P.S. Go to [Apple menu --> System Preferences --> Displays --> Display --> Scaled] after logging // back in, and you'll see a bunch of "HiDPI" resolutions in the list to choose from. from https://gist.github.com/3191869 PS I set mine to "960x540 (HiDPI)"
  6. Have you read my post (the previous one)? It should have some ideas as to the issues you are stating. BTW why Snow Leopard? ML has broader support for recent hardware than SL. I would recommend ML (or at least Lion) PS The Dell E5520 has multitouch support. I used it on Windows 8 prior to installing Mac on it (for Win requires a driver from the Dell site)
  7. Ok, I've been fairly successful in getting the e5520 to run ML... Other than a few issues (below) everything's working as it should, which i'll try to explain in this post. NOT WORKING: - button volume control (changes the indicator on screen but not the volume itself) plus several mic issues - fixed using this SOLUTION (included edited voodooHDA.kext) VoodooHDA.kext.zip - multigestures on trackpad - brightness doesn't want to stay put after screen turns on (comes on at maximum) fixed with new DSDT (included) - card reader - SD slot - fingerprint scanner - AVI output doesn't seem to work - Mic input has serious gain issues... still fixing Everything else is working. First of all, just to clear this up, NATIVE wifi won't work. I went out and tried a few wifi adapters and found one that started up right away (believe it was from a Lenovo) but needed a kext (included in post just in case) to get power working right. From Sys Info: WiFi Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x1089) Firmware Version: Atheros 9285: Relevant included kext: IO80211Family.kext.zip (!!! Not for the native wifi !!!!!!!!!!) The procedure Installed via bootable install USB took out the drive, connected it to a working Mac OS, and from there: installed multifail on the drive with user-DSDT option, VoodooHDA 2.7.3, SSDT for Sandy bridge Edited the appleCPUpowerManagement.kext and FakeSMC.kext (included, so just use them) so no nullCPUpowerManagement.kext needed downloaded kexts for trackpad, battery, LAN (included) deleted (from /system/library/extensions) all non-relevant video kexts (for ATI, Radeon, NV, GeForce, HD4000) and appleHDA.kext installed all kexts (via kext wizard or kextbeast), repaired permissions, rebuilt cache installed Chameleon and Chameleon Wizard into the drive (included my smbios.plist (MBP 8,1 def) and boot.plist (with relevant boot options) from /extra) inserted DSDT (tailored it to the e5520 from a similar model) into the /extra folder reinstalled drive back into the e5520 and booted up (bios boot optionn in legacy mode btw, not UEFI) At this point it should be working so if there are any KPs try rebooting a few times, it might be a permission issue Now the trick after getting the OS running is that after upgrading from 10.8 to 10.8.2 you'll have to delete all the video kexts and appleHDA again and I think reinstall the patched appleCPU kext Plus, I've upgraded to 8GB RAM but this will not affect the DSDT in any way I hope this helps, enjoy your Dell Hackbook Dell e5520 files.zip ---UPDATE--- Extracted and patched DSDT for the e5520: Dell Latitude E5520 DSDT.zip
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