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Posts posted by johnm_10

  1. So I'm new to Mac, never messed with one before, but I've been working on dos and windows computers since before windows.


    I've put about 40 hours into attempting to install Yosemite on my E6510 using patel4prez's guide with no success.  I keep getting a kernal panic right after the apple appears on the installation screen.  Here is what I've done.


    Initially the zip file said that DiskMaker X was corrupt and I should move it to the trash so I re-downloaded that seperately.  Got the kernal panic.  Went in to the package contents and noticed that under scripts the main script was different than the one I downloaded here so I copied the script from patel's package to the one I downloaded but it didn't help anything.


    I've googled and googled and have found many references to using various boot flags, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to enter boot flags.  When the machine first boots to the usb, I get a spining thing in the upper left which goes away and I get a light gray screen with a pic of a hard drive labled E6410Y and a message saying press any key to enter options or something.  So I press a key and the timer stops.  It's my understanding that here I can either start typing or press the space bar and start typing the boot flags but the only keys that seem to do anything on this screen are the down arrow (which brings up a menu of 10 or so options including verbose, single-user, ignore cache, help, etc) and I can navigate that menu fine or press space or esc to exit the menu.


    I've tried all of the options and still can't find a way to enter boot flags.  I can't find a way to get past the kernal panic.  I've googled and tried everything I can think of.  Anyone have any more ideas?  (Yes I've reset the bios many times following the instructions).  I'll take a video of the verbose mode and maybe that will give someone a clue as to what's going on.

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