i need some help about DSDT file and the Patches.
First, sorry for my english...its very poor.
I come from a 10.6.8 Hackintosh installed 5 years ago on my Del Precision T7500, but now i need some software that requiere OS x 10.8 at least, and i decide upgrade my hackintosh and i will read pages, tutorials and forums because all change since i installed my Snow Leopard.
Then... I have a 10.9.5 Hackintosh, running but Without Network, Audio and Graphics .... i have Try everything... injectors, Oficial Drivers from nVidia (In System Information see my Quadro FX 3800 but only 3MB of Vram Without QE/CI),
Tried Install from MyHack , but i have various Kernel Panics and errors Before Instalation.... and reading this forum i see that i need a Personalized DSDT.aml file for my System to install a "Vanilla System".
Someone can help me to configure my DSDT file for reinstall Mavericks and make to work the Audio, Network and Graphics Running?
My System:
Dell Precision T7500
CPU: Intel Xeon X5550 (2.67Ghz)
Memory: 5Gb DDR3 1333MHz
Graphics: Nvidia Quadro FX 3800 1Gb (too i have a Quadro FX 4800 if its necesary)
Audio: integrated
Network: integrated BradCom (too i have a Intel Pro/GT 1000 if its necesary)
i run DSDT Editor for Extract and Compile (fixing errors) and IORegistryExplorer
i Attached this files:
DSDT Extrated file
DSDT Compiled File (Auto fixed Errors)
IORegistryExplorer File (Run and save file)
Lspci TXT file run with "lspci -nn"
Need Upload other Files?
Can anyone give me some light?
Thanks in advance