Hello all! Just wanted to share a tip with you all that has boosted and effectively maxed out the performance of the nVidia card.
After following the performance tuning tutorials and changing my profile to MBP 5,1, I was satisfied with the performance I was getting, but my experience was being plagued by inexplicable stuttering frame rates (just in the UI!) and throttled-back battery performance (HD YouTube videos became a slideshow). There would be fleeting moments where everything was smooth and fast, so I knew the card was still being held back by something.
After doing some research, I discovered this tutorial on disabling the AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext:
After disabling the kext, I have to say that the difference is nothing short of absolutely stunning: full, buttery-smooth, consistent performance (even on battery), at minimal cost of battery life.*
*Your mileage is going to vary here: I have a 9-cell extended life battery, and after running a handful of stress tests, I found I'm only losing about 15-25 minutes on a full charge. A small price to pay for native-like performance! If you have a standard or stock battery, I can't tell you what sort of differences you're going to see.
So that's all I wanted to share with you. Hope you're all having an amazing day, and take care!