my disk is formatted as GUID not Core Storage check this
Zains-MacBook-Pro:~ zain$ diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk0
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_HFS Yosemite 150.0 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3
4: Microsoft Basic Data 349.2 GB disk0s4
0: GUID_partition_scheme *15.8 GB disk1
1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
2: Apple_HFS OS X Base System 15.5 GB disk1s2
Zains-MacBook-Pro:~ zain$
Followed the method you provided and followed all the guide but still facing waiting for root devices error checked all the ports but success thanks for your help
I don't face this problem
Because i follwed the guide and install yosemite and El captain sucessfully but problems with Sierra i can send you invite on team viewer
setting is legacy
and followed the Guide of Jack Lo for legacy installed Yosemite and running fantastic
but problem while installing OS x sierra as i mentioned pictures in previous pages.thanks for your response .
replaced MB5,1 with MB8,2 in USB_Injector.kext
i changed EHC1 TO EH01 AND EHC2 TO EH02 ALSO
there are 31 Errors in my DSDT.aml so i can't save it and don't know how to fix errors kindly help me