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  1. It didn't work. I upgraded to version 1.3.6 (http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/drivers/driversdetails?driverId=GK0MP), same problem. I'm curios if this bios firmware is present in the other 5xxx series or any other Dell. I guess if someone was successful with this bios firmware then it should work on 5285 as well.
  2. I tried with 14.2. No difference. I can only boot with an invalid ig-platform-id. I have also removed all FakePCIIDxxx kexts above from LE. Doesn't change anything. What else I should try?
  3. Got it. I will try. I also read that FakePCIIDxxx.kext are not needed with Kabylake. Shall I delete from LE the FakePCIID.kext.zip FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext.zip FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext.zip FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext.zip
  4. Indeed, it doesn't. It is just crazy! Does the values of SMBIOS matter? For ex. If I select a MacBookPro13 vs MacbookPro14?
  5. Thanks Jake. I managed now to boot with this config.plist having the Fake-id 0x19168086 and ig-platform-id 0x59160000. The system boots with no KP, although I still get a message [IGPU] Graphic driver failed to load: could not register with Framebuffer driver! I attach the config.plist With the current setup & configuration, the system reports "Intel HD Graphics 620 9 MB" Does it mean I don't have the full acceleration? There are some small glitches when I go with the mouse over the tabs in safari for example. Thanks again for your help. config.plist.zip
  6. Thanks Jake. I have both kext loaded from Library/Extensions. Would this be enough no other settings in clover.plist are needed?
  7. Hi Jake. Sorry, I didn't get a chance to work on the matter. In fact I reinstalled the High Sierra again. I am able pre-install with the attached configuration and using the platform-id 12345678. Keyboard and Mouse is working. I'm using a WiFi usb dongle. I have audio. I was not able to boot with your bootpack this time. I don't understand why. Did you patch my DSDT files? Can you guide me please what patches I need for my system? As I am not able to extract and change bios, how do I know that my config.plist has the right patch for DVMT? debug_10207.zip CLOVER.zip In addition to the kexts in Clover/Others I have the following in the Library/Extensions: These are the kext that are loading: Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) UUID <Linked Against> 16 3 0xffffff7f80d23000 0x1f000 0x1f000 as.vit9696.Lilu (1.2.3) 9C714621-4E3B-37F7-9439-49FB5355317B <7 5 4 3 2 1> 17 0 0xffffff7f80d42000 0x56000 0x56000 as.lvs1974.IntelGraphicsFixup (1.2.7) C2ADBDCC-C5DD-3CF4-A8AF-A6146F0F5D4B <16 12 7 5 4 3 2 1> 40 0 0xffffff7f832d2000 0xd8000 0xd8000 as.vit9696.AppleALC (1.2.6) 7CCD3E13-609E-39E3-A3AB-6596F38B38AE <16 12 7 5 4 3 2 1> 41 0 0xffffff7f833aa000 0x4000 0x4000 com.sherlocks.IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup (1.2.0) FC793721-32B1-307F-8BE6-34A7FCDBB922 <16 7 5 4 3 2 1> 42 0 0xffffff7f833ae000 0x9000 0x9000 org.rehabman.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager (1.81.4) 2B852534-CAC2-3E36-BF21-C10984081B74 <11 4 3> 43 0 0xffffff7f833ba000 0x4000 0x4000 com.rehabman.driver.USBInjectAll (0.6.2) 6A9D456A-D1B1-316E-90CD-78E5B0002C5E <12 11 4 3> 44 0 0xffffff7f833bf000 0x11000 0x11000 org.netkas.driver.FakeSMC (1765) 9EEC6103-EEBA-34B3-B9AF-8FE333C43E90 <11 7 5 4 3 1> 53 1 0xffffff7f833d0000 0xb000 0xb000 org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller (1.8.28) AE738E48-14BA-3D4B-82A6-F6D68DAF7D25 <11 7 5 4 3 1> 67 0 0xffffff7f811b2000 0x8000 0x8000 org.rehabman.driver.FakePCIID (1.3.9) BC738576-B800-3E7F-992D-3851C67CCAA9 <12 7 5 4 3 1> 74 0 0xffffff7f833ff000 0x6000 0x6000 org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Keyboard (1.8.28) E0910095-2B68-3961-96F3-6D7D77AA906D <56 53 20 7 6 5 4 3 1> 87 0 0xffffff7f818c5000 0x2c6000 0x2c6000 com.realtek.driver.RtWlanU1827 (1827.4.b22) 27CAE987-8011-3399-8628-B9CC25EE9843 <65 18 5 4 3 1> 126 0 0xffffff7f813a3000 0x8000 0x8000 org.tw.CodecCommander (2.6.3) 6032938E-4161-35BC-9507-DE73BFA6ABB3 <114 12 11 4 3 1>
  8. It is a Dell bios Insyde I guess. Here is the link on dell website: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=9Y4PY&lwp=rt Anyways, checking the Custom box works to save the bios. I selected size 4096. Not sure if correct. I will proceed with the guide and see if I can read the extraction...
  9. I follow the guide, but when I try to backup the BIOS it says: Cannot detect BIOS! Any solution to this?
  10. Thanks, one was a typo. I corrected it to 0x59168086 but now it doesn’t boot. It gets stuck to this:
  11. I changed ig platform id to 0x51960000 and intel gfx with 0x51968086, rebuilt cache and rebooted and I was able to boot without kp! however, in system preferences displays it shows hd620 9m ram. I don't have any resolutions options besides 1920x1080 keyboard mouse and trackpad still don't work Funny is that when I reboot/restart I get a kernel panic! debug_26223.zip
  12. Thanks! I am able to boot with fakeid 0x12345678. So the hd620 doesn’t work. The keyboard, mouse and trackpad don’t work. The touchscreen works. Sounds work. Battery is showing in the menu.
  13. Here is the screenshot now from booting with the new clover.
  14. Thank you for your help! I replaced the clover and now it doesn't go through. It gets stuck - I will take a picture and post it. Meanwhile here is the dxdiag from windows. DxDiag.txt
  15. Thanks. Here is the debug file. debug_25852.zip
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