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Everything posted by OliverZ

  1. Thanks for you suggestions. I will try it and post the result. I tried it as all the posters suggested it. Until now there is now result. In the meantime I found out, that the combination of an Intel Core I3-processor with the Intel HD4400 mobile seems to cause the problem. Possibly a patch in the DSDT.aml is needed to get full graphics acceleration for the Intel HD4400 mobile. Thanks for your suggestions.
  2. Until now I have no solution for the graphics acceleration under OS X El Capitan. It still shows only 4 MB with no graphics acceleration. I use the Fake-ID for Intel GFX 0x04128086 - No Intel inject - No device-id used, as the kexts from Rehabman don't need the intel inject, because it's done by the info.plst of the kext. Attached please find the screens done with the DCPI-Manager.
  3. Sorry Herve, it is not a Intel HD4600 Desktop my graphics card is a Intel HD4400 mobile. I tried tou use your Fake ID 0x80860412 but it does not work. It still shows 4 MB. I tried the Fake ID 0x04128086 too. There is no chance. Could it be that I have to use a different SMBIOS?
  4. I succeeded to install OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 on a HP 350 G2 laptop. Unfortunately the Intel HD4400 graphics mobile version is not running properly. It shows only 4 MB of space. There is no graphic acceleration available at the moment. Attached please find my EFI-directory. I am using the following kexts: FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext from Rehabman FakePCIID.kext from Rehabman and the following settings: Fake ID for Intel GFX 0x04128086 Intel inject ig-platform-id 0x0a260006 No kext to patch is used at the moment. EFI.zip
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