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  1. Looks like I spoke too soon again. There are two 3.0 busses. One port is on the back, one is on the side. The one on the back is listed as the super-speed bus. It actually works fantastic. The one on the side is listed as a high-speed buss and is a dingdong. But it works for a USB mouse, so this is me being satisfied. Thanks again, so much. You have been awesome Jake Lo. I hope someday I'll be smart enough to be in your position helping someone else out
  2. Ok, I know there is a tool out there that is supposed to enable that. HVT maybe? Anyway, looks like I spoke too soon. The USB 3.0 ports are only recognizing USB2.0 devices (which is better than no devices) and has a very slow transfer rate. Any ideas? Also is it safe to update to 10.10.5? I am trigger shy after the pain I went through these past few days.
  3. Holy crap on a cracker! I am not 100% certain what was changed, but both the sound and the USB ports are operational! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH, I want to buy all of you a beer. I put the DSDT file in the patched folder and I ran the ssdt gen script. I have a question on that, though. Does that mean a unique serial number has been created for the machine (a dumby one, I know). I think I read something about that being required to access iCloud or something like that. I tell you what, this has been one hell of a learning experience. And dare I say, even an enjoyable one. I love learning about different operating systems. Thanks again.
  4. So I am trying to figure this out. The file you gave me, is that supposed to be a patch I need to open in MaciASL and apply to my DSDT generated from my hardware? Then place the patched DSDT in the patched folder? DSDTs are something entirely new to me, so please have patience.
  5. This file contains everything in my current EFI/CLOVER directory. I just tried installing the xhcidxe drivers through the Clover Configurator. However, it did not change anything for me. As an update, what I have done is completely reinstall Yosemite on a freshly formatted hard drive. Then I replaced all of the kexts with the ones from the thread I previously linked to in the CLOVER/kexts folder and added the wifiinject kext. Then I used the KextWizard to install the AppleHDA_IDT and GenericUSBXHCI kexts. I verified those are in the S/L/E folder and I am not getting any Kext load errors. With no change for either situation, I then installed the xchixde drivers, both 32 and 64 bit. After none of that worked, I tried disabling the AppleHDA patches, but still no change, so I re-enabled those. I am now at a total loss. I need someone smarter than me to fix it . . . please. You guys have been more than awesome so far and I really appreciate your help. CLOVER.zip
  6. Nope. The only port that worked before or after was the 2.0. I have a few things I am going to try on the audio part, but the USB has me stumped.
  7. That is correct. I installed it via Kext Wizard and ran fix perms and rebuild cache. Rebooted. No audio devices. Not even if I plug in headphones. Also looks like my USB3.0 ports are not working after installing GenericUSBXHCI.kext and enabling -gux_defer_usb2 bootflag. The annoying part is knowing it worked perfect for someone else . . . but I won't quit, not this close. This will have to go on the back burner until tomorrow I think.
  8. Ok, update. Graphics glitches appear to be gone. I am now on the A11 bios after dropping down to A2. Seems like a ridiculous process, but thanks for the tip. I knew that A13 and up was bad, so I intentionally updated to A12, but I never would have found that in a million years. BTW, it dawned on me that a windows install disk will work just fine for upgrading the bios. I spent hours on this and it was sitting in the drawer next to me . . . ugh. So, upward and onward. The only other problem I seem to have is no sound. I'll start digging. You guys have been awesome. Thank you so much for all your help.
  9. I tried FreeDOS but the bios update files errored out. Additionally, I could not find the A3 bios rev for download, Dell no longer offers it as a supported version on their site, so I downloaded A02. I'll give WinPE a shot and see if that works. FYI, seems I forgot to add earlier that safe mode is glitch free. Any thoughts on that?
  10. So, I have not tried downgrading/upgrading the BIOS. Is there a way to do this without having to install windows? I could do this by plugging in a different HDD if I needed to without having to lose my now, mostly working installation. But if there is a way around that, Id much rather. Regardless, a little more info: I wouldn't call it artificats, it's just garbled glitches. Somtimes very minor, especially using Safari full screen. Other times, I can barely make out what is on the screen. However, I have played with pulling some kexts out of SLE and found that if I remove the AppleIntelFrame* and AppleIntelHD* kexts, the graphics are clean, but obviously slow because the GPX card is not being used. Not sure if that helps anyone, but seems like a kext problem to me. I'll look into changing the BIOS without having to install windows in the mean time. Also, at this point, should I open a new thread? FYI, whoever moved my thread, thanks, I didn't realize there were more specific forums. My bad. Edit: Forgot to add, I readded the kexts back to SLE and fixed perms and rebuilt cache . . . problem returned. I also added the kexts from here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/7478-dell-latitude-e6xxxe7xxx-yosemite-install-guide/ post# 10.10.4 updates. But no change, unfortunately.
  11. Ok, update, I am not sure what fixed it, but I hit F4 to dump my DSDT and SSDT prior to install and rewrote an original install disk to the OS X base install partition. I also removed the USB kext and boot arg. THAT WORKED! I got it installed with some minor problems. In fact, it seems to be working overall, including Wifi. But I think I have two remaining problems. The first one is that the screen is covered in what looks like static/glitchy graphics. Hard to describe, but it does shift around as I select things and I can usually see whatever is focused clearly, like a text box, or highlighted text. I tried booting with DSDT intel graphics fix and also with GraphicsEnabler=no. But no impact. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. But, I am putting this to rest until tomorrow and if you need a picture to see what I am talking about, it will have to wait until then. Again, thanks for your post, I think you got me on the right track.
  12. Thank you for your reply! For an install (I have no installed OS yet, just a thumb drive), I don't know where to put the DSDT or the SSDT. I thought those were used after an install. I have not tried adding the AppleHDA_IDT to the s/l/e on the install media. It seems odd that I even need to alter the install media, but I can try that. If I were to add the DSDT and the SSDT, where would I put those?
  13. I have a: Latitude e6330 i5-3x (Ivy Bridge, don't remember exact model, but I could look it up), 1366x768 DIsplay BIOS A12 4GB ram. I have replaced the Wifi card and the HDD with a SDD. I am trying to install Yosemite with Clover boot loader. Full disclosure, I have no available MAC. I found the most recent iso version of the clover files I could find. Should be version 2.3 3354. I then converted the dmg to iso of Yosemite and wrote the iso to the usb drive. I am using an external hard drive as I don't have a pendrive large enough to take the ISO that is full of empty space (silly Apple). No matter what I try, I cannot get past "Waiting for DSMOS . . ." (to be clear, this prints out then the cursor jumps to the next line and hangs on a blank line as opposed to hanging on the end of the DSMOS . . .) I have FakeSMC.kext in the /EFI/Clover/kexts/10.10 directory and Other directory. The kexts I am using came from this thread: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8117-dell-e6330-appleintelcpumanagament-kernel-panic/page-4 I have tried GraphicsEnabler=No,npci=0x[2/3]000, -x, removing all graphics injection in config.plist, and removed all the files in the OS X install media /S/L/E that start with AMD, AppleIntelFram, AppleIntelHD, ApplieIntelSNB, and NVD. I realize that many of those shouldn't matter since I don't have AIT/AMD or NVidia graphics chips, but I removed them anyway just to be sure. Attached are the kext files I have in my /EFI/Clover/kexts directory and my config.plist in my /EFI/Clover directory (all in the same zip because I guess you can't post a .plist file. Please oh please, help me out. Any help is much appreciated. I thought this would be a relatively easy hackintosh install (compared to say, my desktop, which is AMD), but it has thoroughly kicked my behind. If there is any information I seem to have missed, please, tell me, and I will provide it as soon as I can. Keep in mind, I have no Mac to work from. Update: I removed he Fakesmc from the "Other" directory and now, after Waiting for DSMOS . . . I repeats a line about GetPacketFilters() ===> over and over and over again, presumably until the laptop burned up or died. GetPacketFilters() ===> GetPacketFilters() <=== GetPacketFilters() ===> GetPacketFilters() <=== It repeats in groups of four, just like that ^^ Thank you, Shaun kexts.zip
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