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  1. Could you please explain the solutions - as Herve mentioned it might help others. Also, could you let me know what BIOS revision you're running? Posting your unpatched DSDT.aml and system specs would benefit myself. Thanks!
  2. Attached is file with DSDT patches, for use with maciasl (ACPI v4). Generates a clean DSDT for me with USB3 working. I've made little effort to make the patches 'robust'. YMMV, be careful if you decide to only apply some of the patches. Get a virgin DSDT.aml by pressing F4 at the Clover boot menu; tables get dumped in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ Remember to turn off DSDT patching feature of Clover. Make sure Clover is set to look for your DSDT.aml (or alternate name). Cheers. DSDT-E5430-patches-r005.txt
  3. I've been running OS X 10.9 "Mavericks" on my E5430 (i5) for a few weeks. Below is the condensed version of the installation (very condensed). Be sure to set BIOS to UEFI boot and you can disable CSM as well. There are three attached files: - Clover_UEFI_USB.zip - Clover_UEFI_System.zip - Extensions.zip Read all the instructions first, there's not many. Create a "retail" osx installation disk using a tool such as LionDiskMaker or via other methods Create a Clover bootable USB disk -> format as MBR, FAT32 and extract attached file "Clover_UEFI_USB.zip" to root of drive Boot with Clover USB boot stick just created in step 2 and boot the OSX install disk, created in step 1. Have patience during boot process. Install OSX, this requires patience and a reboot. It will sit at 1 second remaining for an eternity. Boot again with Clover USB boot stick, this time booting the new installation Install Clover on UEFI partition Replace "BOOT" and "CLOVER" directories with ones from attached file "Clover_UEFI_System.zip". Edit config.plist SMBIOS section to include a serial number. Install kexts from "Extensions.zip" to /System/Library/Extensions. ACPIPlatform and SmartBattery kexts will replace the 10.9 native ones, back them up first! These two are only needed to get battery information, you can skip these if you don't care about that. Reboot Generate valid SSDT (I used ssdtPRGen.sh) and put in ACPI/patched directory. Note: When booting from Clover USB stick, you must press space bar on boot target and select boot with injected kexts option. When booting the first time from internal EFI partition, you should select boot without caches option. This will leave you with a more or less functional system. WIFI - have to replace card with a supported one SDHC - Voodoo kext for this is flaky, not included. USB3 - requires DSDT edits beyond what Clover is able to auto patch. I will try to update this post with further details, time permitting. This was tested using Clover V2236. Clover_UEFI_System.zip Clover_UEFI_USB.zip Extensions.zip
  4. I upgraded it myself, it shipped with 4GB. No issues at all. Just to be clear, if you try using an EFI string for graphics, you must use a dsdt without graphics patches (which also means GraphicsEnabler=No). EFI string + dsdt with edits for IGPU or GFXx = garbled screen. ... On another note, AppleSmartBatteryManager.kext works 50% of the time with original AppleACPIPlatform.kext (version 1.7) and almost always works if ignoring caches at bootup. Strange. If I can avoid rolling back ACPIPlatform I will. Has anyone done dsdt battery edits to try to address this? I've done some preliminary looking but haven't really pursued this yet. It's one of the last things I would like to improve ...
  5. I haven't changed it, it's the stock kext from 10.8.3. Out of curiosity, how much ram do you have installed, how much video ram do you end up with and what does BIOS report? I'm 16GB / 512MB with BIOS at 64MB.
  6. HDMI works, the string is for platform-id 01660003 - 2 ports, 2 pipes, 64MB.
  7. I can't offer much help with that ... I haven't done any DSDT or kext patches for graphics - just used the EFI string I posted earlier with GraphicsInjector/GraphicsEnabler=No for the boot loader and graphics just work for me.
  8. Just a note that I tried this in a Dell dock and everything worked: - sound - both DVI ports (at the same time) - USB2 - USB3 - ethernet Haven't checked - eSATA - microphone - PS2 ports - VGA port
  9. I was mistaken about USB3 and a VIA hub. After some DSDT edits, USB3 is working great now. EDIT: In addition to the DSDT edits for USB3, I'm also using GenericXHCI.kext with boot flag -gux_defer_usb2 I now consider this almost 100%. In all honesty, I think its a better hack than my Probook 4430 was. Only thing that is sketchy is VoodooSDHC.kext - I load this manually for the very few times I need it.
  10. USB3 on this machine should be through the Z77 chipset, but the VIA hub that is built-in isn't supported in OSX as far as I know. Hopefully this changes in the future. For reference, I am now booting an internal drive using Clover with the BIOS set for UEFI boot. Clover is happy to boot this machine via conventional BIOS booting as well. KEXTS: FakeSMC.kext AppleACPIPlatform.kext AppleSmartBatteryManager.kext BCM5722D.kext VoodooPS2Controller.kext VoodooHDA.kext IOath3kfrmwr.kext * CalDigitFastIO.kext * CalDigitUSBxHCI.kext * Notes: AppleACPIPlatform.kext, AppleSmartBatteryManager.kext - battery information. BCM5722D.kext - Ethernet, put in IONetworkingFamily plugins folder VoodooPS2.kext - one that was posted earlier in this thread, for trackpad * IOath3kfrmwr.kext - not needed for most, loads the firmware for bluetooth to work with wifi/bt combo card i use. * Caldigit kexts are for USB3 expresscard34 device. Clover Patches these kexts on the fly at boot time: AppleRTC.kext (not needed?) AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext IOAHCIBlockStorage (trim support) I haven't looked at the Card reader yet - it's at the end of my list. DSDT I added the info for EHCx and the bare minimum to make it compile - DTGP section added and fixed names (_T_0 etc) Clover applies the following patches: HPET LAN WIFI I've dumped my DSDT with all this applied and called it 'DSDT_CloverPatched.aml' The DSDT i normally boot with is just called DSDT.aml I've zipped my EFI folder if anyone wants to see what else is in there (eg, UEFI64 drivers, config.plist). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v5naxlsj6zb984r/N3zXxS-HRa
  11. Thanks nsemenov. I looked at your DSDT.aml for what you patched with respect to EHCI and applied it to my original DSDT dumped from windows. This fixed my sleep problems - logs were showing wake reason as: 2013-03-08 12:23:14.000 PM kernel[0]: Wake reason = GLAN EHC2 EHC1 Now I just have: 2013-03-08 1:44:16.000 PM kernel[0]: Wake reason = PBTN Sweet. Unfortunately, I'm not much for DSDT patching and I was still using clover's on the fly dsdt patching for hpet, wlan and lan. So I used maciASL to dump the running dsdt (made up of a patched DSDT.aml and clover on the fly patches) and now with that I can boot without using clover to patch dsdt. Good so far, but I still only get 2 states for speed stepping. To fix the graphics, I use the following EFI string: 7f0000000100000001000000730000000200000002010c00d041030a000000000101060000027fff04002c0000004100410050004c002c00690067002d0070006c006100740066006f0072006d002d006900640000000800000003006601140000006800640061002d0067006600780000000d0000006f6e626f6172642d31 Other than USB3 not working (ports still work as USB2) and speed stepping, everything seems to be working. Fingers crossed, I'm going to stress it this weekend and see how it goes. Hope this helps somebody else out there.
  12. Just saying hi, another e5430 user here. I was playing around with clover and discovered that although the bios doesn't present expresscard drives as bootable, clover can. Very cool, this is something chameleon can't do. Right now I've got 10.8.2 booting off an expresscard ssd. At a roadblock now though, need to get a dsdt/ssdt to get sleep working. nsemenov, you have sleep working properly? Your system is too different than mine to reuse your dsdt, I tried But, with no dsdt I use an efi string with clover and I get internal display and hdmi working 100%.
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