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Posts posted by djkanoko

  1. The sleep problem on some Latitudes is caused by a bad BIOS/EC. (According to Linux ALPS developers)



    - Ignore invalid packets (instead of buffering). FIXED SLEEP ON V7 LATITUDE CONFIRMED BY "bigahega".


    (It should fix sleep on V8, V3 Rushmore as well.)


    Known issues:

    - V7 and V8 tracksticks disabled. (till someone fixes it or helps me fix it)

    - V6 not supported.

    - As usual, most settings in prefpane won't work. They're not made for ALPS.


    ALPS V7 10.11 El Capitan


    So far this is the best version as far as system stability and trackpad functionality is concerned.  But I am interested in fixing the following:


    - Functional trackstick and trackstick buttons

    - Less sensitive trackpad touches.  Currently many single and two finger touches are still treated as brief swipes.  If I really focus on tapping as quickly as possible I can get a 100% detection rate, but during normal activity I find myself causing a few swipes by accident from longer presses.


    Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help resolve these issues.  Previously I have tried your suggestion to alter the timing values in the mouse plist file, but it hasn't had any noticeable impact on the touch detection issue.

  2. Has anyone using Dr. Hurt's driver found a good program that allows you to customize gestures to perform any action you want?  For instance if I wanted to have a three-finger swipe up open an application or perform a keyboard shortcut.  I tried using BetterTouchTool but it doesn't recognize the touchpad as a "multitouch capable trackpad" so I can't customize gestures using it.

  3. You just gave me an idea about a possible reason for why things are a bit different between my V3 and your V7 :D


    My V3 Pinnacle is set to a sample rate of 40 while V3 Rushmore and V7 are set to 100.



    - Set Sample Rate to 40 packets/sec on V7 and V3 Rushmore (not sure if HW will actually accept that command).

    - Hopefully fix mistake from last release.

    - Fix accidental input while typing. 


    As always, test sleep and general performance.

    Tested on Alps V7 for E5550 OS X 10.11:


    No trackpad response, no trackpoint response, no keyboard response except for a few Fn key combinations like brightness.


    After going into and resuming from sleep:


    Full keyboard functionality returns, still no trackpad or trackpoint response.

  4. open plist in the trackpad kext (in plugin folder) and increase MultiFingerVericalDivisor and MultiFingerHorizontalDivisor to 13. I think I might have to create a separate profile for Sierra and older OS X since they're so different.


    I made the change and although the immediate amount of scrolling on a two-finger tap is reduced, the probability of it registering as a two-finger tap is still the same about 1/20 attempts.


    I think the issue here has more to do with the polling interval than the sensitivity of calculated scroll value.  I feel like there should be a brief time period (maybe 100ms) after a tap is made, that no scrolling is interpreted.

    • Like 1
  5. R6B7 on e5550 on 10.11 El Capitan
    ALPS: Found a V7 TouchPad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0xba 0x2a
    One issue I've been having with all of the R6 drivers is the two-finger scrolling sensitivity being too high.  I've set the scroll sensitivity in Mouse and Trackpad to the lowest setting, but almost every two finger tap results in a scroll.  This makes it almost impossible to perform a two finger tap to right-click since any detection of a scroll ignores the two finger tap as a right-click.  Is anyone else having this problem?

  6. I've tried the latest build but I'm having the same problems since Beta 1:


    1.  Trackpoint moves very quickly and only right and down, also triggers a right-click down event.

    2.  Pinch and Zoom not supported

    3.  Two and Three finger left and right swipes not recognized

    4.  Two finger vertical scrolling is too fast

    5.  Two and three finger clicks don't register about 95% of the time.


    Here are my details from my previous posts:


    e5550 on 10.11 El Capitan

    ALPS: Found a V7 TouchPad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0xba 0x2a


    It seems alot of people are experiencing the same Trackpoint issues.

  7. I've tried the latest build but I'm having the same problems since Beta 1:


    1.  Trackpoint moves very quickly and only right and down, also triggers a right-click down event.

    2.  Pinch and Zoom not supported

    3.  Two and Three finger left and right swipes not recognized

    4.  Two finger vertical scrolling is too fast

    5.  Two and three finger clicks don't register about 95% of the time.

  8. Test Results using the Latest Release 6 beta 3 (on 10.11 El Capitan):


    ALPS: Found a V7 TouchPad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0xba 0x2a


    Touchpad (all trackpad gesture settings are checked):

    - two finger scrolling works, but is way too sensitive (even with scrolling speed at minimum)

    - two finger right-click is rarely detected, usually causes scroll

    - three finger up/down is recognized

    - three finger left/right NOT recognized

    - three finger tap recognized as middle-button mouse click

    - four finger pinch/zoom NOT recognized


    Trackstick (with mouse speed set to minimum):

    - pushing up - cursor moves down slowly

    - pushing down - cursor moves down very quickly

    - pushing left - cursor moves right very quickly

    - pushing right - cursor moves right slowly

    - any movement also causes a right-click press and hold and requires multiple clicks from the touchpad to return to the unclicked state


    Also I am having the issue others have reported, after waking from sleep there is no touchpad response, and system freezes after a minute of keyboard usage

  9. Make sure you delete PS2Nub kext from everywhere (S/L/E & L/E & Clover), reboot and AFTER that run kext utility to rebuild caches then place my kext in the Clover folder.



    OK, I realized I was only looking in the EFI folder on my OS Drive, and not the hidden EFI partition that is actually used by Clover.  Voodoo is loading correctly now, and I now have access to the Trackpad settings in System Preferences, but I still get this error when I try to run "Touchpad Settings.app":


    System Events got an error: Can’t get group 1 of window "Trackpad" of application process "System Preferences". Invalid index. (-1719)


    Also, here is my ALPS version and test results using the Latest Release 6 beta 2 (on 10.11 El Capitan):


    ALPS: Found a V7 TouchPad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0xba 0x2a


    Touchpad (all trackpad gesture settings are checked):

    - two finger gestures NOT recognized

    - three finger up/down is recognized

    - three finger left/right NOT recognized

    - three finger tap recognized as middle-button mouse click

    - four finger pinch/zoom NOT recognized


    Trackstick (with mouse speed set to minimum):

    - pushing up - cursor moves down slowly

    - pushing down - cursor moves down very quickly

    - pushing left - cursor moves right very quickly

    - pushing right - cursor moves right slowly

    - any movement also causes a right-click press and hold and requires multiple clicks from the touchpad to return to the unclicked state

    • Like 1

    Go back into KextWizard  filter "PS2" Highlight  com.AppleACPIPS@Nub  inside the loaded tab.


    Then at the bottom where it says "found" "5" click the little down arrow. It will open up a menu.   Click on reveal.. It should open the folder where its hiding. Try all of them to see if your missing something.  To me it appears you still have ApplesPS2 kexts still installed. If not try rebuilding/ repair.      



    The dmesg log you posted, something is loading another copy of  [email protected]  Apple has one that needs to be deleted when installing a ps2 driver.  Any other ps2 driver you install will have these inside them to emulate Apples. So it could be that another driver is causing a duplicate to load as well.


    Also my understanding is to remove any existing "ApplePS2Controller, VoodooPS2Controller, AppleACPIPS2Nub, ApplePS2Keyboard and old Touchpad" kexts if you've installed one in the past, before installing the new one.





    I did try that, but nothing happened, since there is no file path associated with them.  I also tried using kextunload with and without the -b option, and I get:


    Can't create com.apple.AppleACPIPS2Nub


    I'm guessing they must be loaded using some other method other than a Kext file in the S/L/E folder.  If they were inside another Kext file, Kext Wizard would still be able to list the file path right?

  11. Look in your system/library/extension folder and see if you have the file AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext If so remove it and try again. Make sure you have only 1 copy voodooPs2controller.kext in there as well. In fact you shouldn't have anything in that folder that has to do with PS2 in it. Only the voodooPS2controller your trying.


    If that fails:

    There are a couple of places depending on your installer another version of voodoops2controller could be hiding. Check the library/extension folder and the "extra" folder if there is one and EFI/clover/kext if there is one, depends if you used clover as your installer. Delete any other copies of VoodooPS2controller.kext if found in those locations.


    I checked all of those folders for AppleACPIPS2Nub and extra voodooPS2controller but found nothing.  However KextWizard shows the following when i search for PS2 on the Loaded tab:


    com.apple.AppleACPIPS2Nub                                    1              

    com.apple.ApplePS2Controller                                 1                                                                                                                                

    com.apple.ApplePS2Keyboard                                   1                                                                                                                                

    com.apple.ApplePS2Mouse                                      1                                                                                                                                

    org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller                     5.0.0        /System/Library/Extensions/VoodooPS2Controller.kext                                                                 


    There is no file reference for the other kexts and searching and looking in the folders you mentioned turned up nothing.  Should I rebuild my System Kext Cache?                                                                                                                 

  12. I'm currently using the V8 Test5 build and I am seeing this in my dmesg (I believe this error was present in previous builds as well):


    OSMetaClass: Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller class AppleACPIPS2Nub is a duplicate;kext com.apple.AppleACPIPS2Nub already has a class by that name.
    Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller start failed (result 0xdc00400a).
    Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller failed to load (0xdc008017).
    Failed to load kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller (error 0xdc008017).
    FakeSMC v6.14-290-gcdeb8b0.1654 Copyright 2014 netkas, slice, usr-sse2, kozlek, navi, THe KiNG, RehabMan. All rights reserved.
    FakeSMC: 14 preconfigured keys added
    FakeSMC: 5 keys exported by Clover EFI
    SMC: successfully initialized
    SuperIODevice: [Fatal] found unsupported chip! ITE sequence ID=0x1d00, Winbond sequence ID=0xffff
    FakePCIID: Version 1.3.2 starting on OS X Darwin 15.3.
    FakePCIID: [8086:9cb1] XHCIMux::startup: newData for PR2: 0x00000300
    000001.069555 AppleUSBLegacyRoot@: AppleUSBLegacyRoot::init: enabling legacy matching
    Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Keyboard - library kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller not found.
    Can't load kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Keyboard - failed to resolve library dependencies.
    Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Keyboard failed to load (0xdc00800e).
    Failed to load kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Keyboard (error 0xdc00800e).
    ACPIBatteryManager: WARNING! fCurrentCapacity > fMaxCapacity. adjusted fCurrentCapacity from 7080, to 6164
    FakePCIID: [8086:9cb1] XHCIMux::configWrite32 address space(0x0000a000, 0xd0) data: 0x0000049b -> 0x00000300
    mcache: 4 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size
    mbinit: done [128 MB total pool size, (85/42) split]
    Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Trackpad - library kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller not found.
    Can't load kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Trackpad - failed to resolve library dependencies.
    Kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Trackpad failed to load (0xdc00800e).
    Failed to load kext org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Trackpad (error 0xdc00800e).
    rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: D711A4E0-9A8D-3B0D-B129-E10F020BC996
    Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    AirPort_Brcm4360::init AirPortFamily_kexts-1110.26 "AirPortFamily_kexts-1110.26" Dec 10 2015 19:39:39

  13. I think you have file/permission corruption. Replace the prefpane with the original *untouched* sierra one.

    Or reinstall macOS.

    I've never modified anything to the system preferences (I'm using 10.11 BTW).  Also the only change I made to the Touchpad Settings.app that you provided was allowing Accessibility access.  If I didn't do that I would get another error.  Could you advise where I can download the untouched Sierra (or El Capitan in my case) prefpane?

  14. I have an E5550 and am using the latest V8 kext, but I'm still not seeing anything under system touchpad settings and I get the following when I run Touchpad Settings.app:


    Can’t get «class sgrp» 1 of window "Trackpad" of «class pcap» "System Preferences" of application "System Events". Invalid index.
    System Events got an error: Can’t get group 1 of window "Trackpad" of application process "System Preferences". Invalid index. (-1719)


    Also I can't find anything with ALPS written in my dmesg output.  What am I missing?

  15. I have an E5550 which I believe has ALPS v6 and I've tried both the latest Release 5 and Release 5.1 Beta on page 34.  Here are my results:


    Release 5: touchpad is recognized as trackpad in system settings but no 2,3,4 finger gestures are recognized.  I get this error when opening Touchpad Settings app:

    Can’t get «class sgrp» 2 of window "Trackpad" of «class pcap» "System Preferences" of application "System Events". Invalid index.
    System Events got an error: Can’t get group 2 of window "Trackpad" of application process "System Preferences". Invalid index. (-1719)


    Release 5.1 Beta: touchpad is recognized as mouse and two-finger vertical scrolling is only supported gesture.  I get this error when opening Touchpad Settings app:

    Can’t get «class sgrp» 1 of window "Trackpad" of «class pcap» "System Preferences" of application "System Events". Invalid index.
    System Events got an error: Can’t get group 1 of window "Trackpad" of application process "System Preferences". Invalid index. (-1719)



    The Trackpad Settings app has Accessibility permissions and has executable permissions as well.  Any thoughts?

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