Yes, I am booting form the USB key. I just did a clean install on the USB key. When I follow the above procedure, there is 2 points which are not clear. 1) The 6410 boot pack contains a "org.chameleon.Boot.plist" and the enoch/chameleon installers also install such a file in the Extra folder. I left the simple one form the enoch installer. 2) When copying the kext files to the S/L/E folder, these files already exist. So I replace/overwrite. Booting from the fresh USB, with Enoch-rev.2839 installed, the booting process stops very soon. Adding an -f flag doesn't resolve the issue. Although I don't remember doing something different with the previous USB install, this time it does mention MacBookPro6,2 at the end of the booting process. Attached the screenshot and the zipped Extra folder.
ps. hey, with flash on, the screenshot is a lot more easy to read