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  1. I've checked prefpanel. There is only two wake reasons, network and bluetooth, both are disabled. Nothing, still waking after one second... I think better solution for me now is karimtosh's DSDT with your sleep fix. But I have next problem, new VoodooPS2Controller.kext will not work after sleep, and cause reboot after few second... Old versions of touchpad kext works not smooth with Sierra.
  2. 2016-11-20 22:10:25 +0300 Assertion status system-wide: BackgroundTask 0 ApplePushServiceTask 0 UserIsActive 1 PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0 PreventSystemSleep 0 ExternalMedia 0 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 0 NetworkClientActive 0 InternalPreventSleep 1 Listed by owning process: pid 96(hidd): [0x000001750009802b] 00:04:55 UserIsActive named: "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle" Timeout will fire in 596 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease pid 46(powerd): [0x00000287000d8159] 00:00:13 InternalPreventSleep named: "com.apple.powermanagement.acwakelinger" Timeout will fire in 31 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease No kernel assertions. Idle sleep preventers: IODisplayWrangler
  3. Yes I did. No difference. Something in karimtosh's DSDT file give sleep possibility for my laptop)
  4. Tried. The problem is still there. Wake after one second...
  5. Thank you! I totally misunderstood... My origin DSDT with your sleep patch caused problem with wake from sleep. But karimtosh's DSDT with your patch works fine, but slow boot. I've found reason for long boot with karimtosh's DSDT file. The reason is SB.PCI0.PEG0.GFX0. I've removed all entries for GFX0 from karimtosh's DSDT with Jake Lo sleep fix, and now my system booting fast, sleep works fine, but CPU fan works all time and battery energy drop faster then usual... I have to find right sleep solution for my own DSDT file...
  6. Dear Jake Lo, can you patch my vanilla DSDT with your sleep fix? There is my origin DSDT (clover f4) - jkson-DSDT.aml.zip Thank you in advance!
  7. Hi! With this DSDT sleep mode not working at all, when I've pressed to sleep, laptop was switched off completely. No changes, wake from sleep after one second by him self.
  8. Are you sure, my DSDT is already patched? Maybe not fully patched? 1)Karimtosh's DSDT - sleep problem, slow boot 2)My DSDT - sleep problem, fast boot 3) Karimtosh's DSDT with your fix - OK sleep, slow boot
  9. Yes, I've removed NullCpuPowermanagment. When I use my own DSDT, I have sleep issue. If I use karimtosh's DSDT with your changes, sleep issue disappear, but booting will slow. I mean starting Apple logo with filling strip, but without any hdd activity, about one minute...
  10. Bingo! Thank you very much, sleep problem was gone! But with your DSDT I still have a slow boot. Can you patch my own DSDT in same way? Thank you in advance! DSDT.zip
  11. I've tried your EFI with kexts. All work fine, except sleep... Laptop will wake up by him self, after one second. And OS booting is very slow, many seconds line with logo filled without any HDD activity.
  12. Thank you for your help, but the problem is still there... Oct 24 18:42:55 219 kernel[0]: Wake reason: LID0 XHC EHC2
  13. Hi guys! I've installed El Capitan to my Latitude E5430. I have used dsdt from my Yosemite installation, which I did according to this topic Now the system works very good, almost all work fine, no glitches, video, camera, sound, networks and bluetooth are OK. But, I can't solve problem with sleeping mode. If laptop is connected to power supply, he will wake up after one second, sometimes go to sleep again, and again wake up, permanently. I've tried to remove PRM methods from DSDT, nothing has changed. Reason for waking up is EHC2, I think integrated web-camera. If I disable it in BIOS, and system doesn't see this webcam - sleep mode works fine. But one more strange thing, even if webcam is disabled in BIOS, sometimes webcam is still active, from boot to boot... I'm not so familiar with OSX installation, maybe I do something wrong... Any help? There is my EFI folder attached.EFI.zip p.s. After any system updates I have to boot once with -v -s -f -x flags, otherwise I will have kernel panic. Its normal to El Capitan?
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