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  1. The graphics drivers appear to be the issue, I have that boot loader installed. Graphics is ATI HD3650.
  2. Boots in safe boot, worked under 10.12.4 and 10.12.5. No idea what you guys need information wise to help me. Thanks in advance!
  3. Have a Optiplex 990 I have have successfully got macOS Sierra running on. It has a Realtek ALC269 Audio chip on the board, and Im not sure how to get it working. You guys were amazingly helpful in getting my Touchpad and Audio working on my 6430, so I am posting in hopes that you guys will have a fix for this as well. Please let me know what information would be useful. I have attached my config.plist and captures of the Kexts in EFI and the 2 added to S/L/E Opti990.zip
  4. Just discovered sleep/wake on lid isn't working. I'm assuming that's a new DSDT? Anyone have a working one for e6430?
  5. The bits he posted didn't work for me, but I do have 3 finger gestures working for the first time ever. Totally awesome!
  6. Using Release 5 for VoodooPS2Controller.kext and it works beautifully! Is there a fix for the trackpad prefpane being empty instead of having settings? ---- I have to say, this is an amazing community! Now that I have mine working, I will replicate the needed fixes to my wife's 6430 and roll her up to Sierra as well. Thanks a ton!
  7. You guys ROCK! Audio works now. About to try the VoodooPS2controller kext that was suggested earlier.
  8. I don't believe I do have the nVidia card in this. I can remove that flag if you think it would help. I have removed the stuff from the 10.12 folder, didn't realize there was anything in there.
  9. Here is the EFI folder. Edit: I have updated the IOGraphicsFamily patch to what you just posted. (not shown in EFI folder)
  10. Here is the KP capture. This is with the values you gave me for patching. And the 10.11.4 AppleHDA_IDT.kext from the original guide in /L/E
  11. I believe I have also tried that voodoops2 kext with a similar KP issue. Here is whats in my /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other folder. Possible theres a conflict? and not necessarily the AppleHDA_IDT or VoodooPS2controller.kext causing it? Edit: Ignore VoodooPS2controller.kext in screenshot, took the screenshot from the backup of EFI I took before upgrading to 10.12.1
  12. OK, so I tried those patches via Clover. Putting the AppleHDA_IDT (the one I had been using under 10.11.6) kext in /L/E. I get a KP when trying to boot.
  13. I have a Latitude 6430s that was working perfectly under 10.11.6. The only things not working are multitouch and audio under 10.12.1. The 10.11.4+ AppleHDA kext is in place in /L/E Audio patches are AppleHDA 8B19D411. DF761D11. AppleHDA IDT AppleHDA 8419D411. 00000000. AppleHDA IDT AppleHDA 8319D411. 00000000. AppleHDA IDT AppleHDA 9A19D411. 00000000. AppleHDA IDT Couldn't boot with voodooPS2controller (was using the only that previously worked on 10.11.6). Removing it fixed boot, but killed keyboard and trackpad. Using ApplePS2 now. Using Clover r3922. Thanks in advance. Was built under 10.11.6 using Jake Lo's guide here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8506-dell-latitude-inspiron-precision-el-capitan-clover-guide/ updated using AppStore.
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