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  1. Hello every I have HP DV6 6XXX series laptop with Yosemite 10.10.2 and i am using Pure GPT+Clover everything is working fine accept my BT i have Atheros 9285+ar3011 Combo card which acting weirdly but WiFi works fine (DSDT Patch) on mac and windows but BT have issue in MAC ONLY Issues of BT :- 1:-Cant switch on/off over key 2:-Cant turn it off (i heard that is not possible without key F12 in my case) 3:-Cant Find any BT devices (Tested Symbian,Android and iOS) 4:-If i use latest (IOBluetoothFamily.kext+IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext) then my USB 2.0 act weirdly device automatically ejected and reconnected So i delete IOBluetoothFamily.kext+IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext and now BT is disable Think i have tested:- 1:-Old kext of IOUSBFamlily.kext 2:-BTFirmwareUploader.kext (Tested version 2.4,2.6,2.7) 3:-Rehabman's Ath3kfirmware 4:-toledaARPT.kext 5:-Clover Patch 6;-Injector Kext Non of them is working with my BT device this are my Device ID's I am uploading my Config.Plist if i need any modification then please tell me help is appreciable One think I have tested with Clover In order to work my All USB port 2.0 and 3.0 i have to do the following settings on Clover Clover=>Devices=>USB=>Selecte all (Inject+Add ClockID+FixOwnership+HighCurrent) Else only usb 3.0 works 2.0 stop working i telling this theory because my BT device is takes as a USB device see the images for better understanding config.plist.zip
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