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E7440: unable to read some microSD cards in Big Sur

Go to solution Solved by osxtothez,

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I just noticed this weird thing happening with my E7440's SD card reader. I put in a 32gb SanDisk Ultra Micro SD Card in the reader and nothing mounted. I put in a different brand Micro SD Card in and it mounted no problem. I thought that was odd so I went through a bunch of my memory cards and most mounted and a couple did not. The strange thing is I have an identical E7440 that is on Mojave and all the cards mounted without issue on that laptop. I've tried reformatting, different SD adapter holders still no dice. If I use a usb adapter reader they will work but not in the card reader and only some brands. Anyone have any ideas or similar experiences. thanks.

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Thanks for the reply, what you did gave me an idea. I needed to try and install AppleSDXC.kext from Mojave into my Big Sur. but its not as simple as it used to be and you can't inject it with opencore it'll just cause a panic. I used Command Line SnapShot Mounter-V2 from github to install the Mojave version kext into my Big Sur S/L/E. **Note you must first disable sip** Once that was all done and rebooted all the different Micro SD cards were working regardless of brand.

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