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Samsung 730U3E X03 - Just a try


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Hello everybody,


I tried to install OS X on this notebook and wanted to let you know about the outcome. I've to mention that EMlyDinEsH provided me some great help, as I don't have a clue about DSDT patching. Thanks a lot!


First of all I want to say that I didn't get a working system, but it might be possible for somebody who is more skilled than I'm.


As I wanted to be able to return the system in case that OS X is not working, I installed to an external USB 2.0 hard disk. Using the flags -v -x it was possible to install and boot OS X 10.8.3. Without the -x flag the AMD/ATI graphics card did cause trouble. The system was booting but didn't show a login screen.


I attached the Extra-folder I used. There are several DSDT-files included. They should work using the flags -v -x. Also there are two SMBios.plist files, one for MacBook Pro one for MacBook Air. Mostly I used the one for the Pro.


I've some more DSDT files, where the ATI graphics card is disabled but using those DSDT files the system didn't boot. It did shut down suddenly during the boot process. I'll attach those files too, just in case that somebody wants to have a closer look.

Once again, those DSDT files didn't work for me!


And of course you've to modify the BIOS settings.

In "Adcanced" you have to "Fast BIOS Mode" must be set to off, "AHCI Mode Control" must be manual and "Set AHCI Mode" is turned on.

In the "Boot" optiosn you have to disable Secure Boot. After that a new entry appears "OS Mode Selection". Here you've to select "CSM OS". This anables the BIOS legacy mode.

After that Windows 8 is not booting any longer. For Linux those settings where fine too.


As a final note I want to mention that in two cases amount several tries the system booted perfectly and with working graphics using the boot option:

-v GraphcisEnalber=No PCIRootUID=0

I guess that booting with those options did only work once within 40 tries. It was a matter of chance.


Finally I decided to return the system. It's a very nice notebook and has the best screen I ever experienced. So it's a pitty that it wasn't working for me. But I was lucky to get my hands on a Dell Latitude E6230 which is already supported by EDP.


Hope you're more lucky than I was in getting this notebook working!







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