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T410 Maveriks Expresscard not full working


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Hello everybody.

 Have just arrived to this forum because have installed Mavericks on my Lenovo T410 with Intelhd graphics folowing this tutorial:



 I tried with Mountain Lion but didn´t work (maybe the  Extra don´t know), but Mavericks works fine.


 I have this card for FW800 that´s fully working on windows,


When I plugged hot or even before restarting (tried both) can see it on the top bar, but it doesn´t detect devices from the FW800.

 On system hardware I can see the main Fw400 firewire integrated one (Ricoch chipset) that doesn´t work well on windows. Couln´t try it on Mavericks because my device is FW800, so need to buy a cable, but maybe a waste of money, since isn´t fast enouth on windows I doubt will work well on Mavericks.


  Any suggestion that I could make Maverkiks "see" the FW ports of the Expresscard?, the card is detected and I even can shutdown it from the top bar, but the Fw800 ports are not detected, so I guess it must be added manually maybe?

 Thanks in advance.

 Any suggestion will be wellcome.

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 I installed Mavericks 10.9.1 that seems have some kext problems with expresscard on some 2010 models (even on mac).

 So I found this thread:



 Page 3, last post, nasachusetts  user put this link  that´s an intaller/unistaller that solves it.

 Seems that it was solved on Mavericks 10.9.2 (but I didn´t tried it yet).

 For now I´m having now full working the two FW800 of my expresscard on my Lenovo T410, intel hd graphics and Mavericks 10.9.1 with this installer driver.

 Hope it helps.

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