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Everything posted by Limeycars

  1. Poop. I was hoping there would be a configuration that would work. Password method coming up next then. :-\ Any chance a future EDP will get it to work without BIOS password? Thanks!
  2. After finally succeeding on my D630/Nvidia, I felt confident enough to try it on my friend's D620. Using the MyHack USB stick + EDP 2.2 method, we have a successful Lion installation on D620/Intel, 2.16 Core 2 Duo, broadcom wireless, speedstep, iStat, 1440 non-dim video, opt.4 PS2. This also has the best tracking behavior However, we do not have working sleep. (Have not tired the password method, since we were able to get the D630 to work, we figured Let's go for it.) Upon either closing the lid, or choosing Sleep, the disk activity light very briefly flickers, and then the power light pulses, as if in sleep. This happens much faster than on our working D630, btw, not long enough to write as much as I would expect it to. Upon opening the lid, it acts as if it is freshly powering on, rather than waking up: Bios, boot loader, splash screen, etc. So, it seems to think it is going to sleep, but can't wake up from whatever state it was in. Any ideas? Thanks!
  3. OK, let's get back to a previous question (which should probably be moved to a different thread, and I leave that decision to you). My D630 is finally rocking' on as well as can be hoped for, so huge thanks for all the help on that long, frustrating project. I have several friends who would like to try their hands at a hackintosh project, but do not have the time to devote to playing around with a difficult build like I had to. Is there one particular model/build spec that is more reliably installed than any other? For example a D620/intel/etc... Is anyone keeping tabs on what works out of the box and what is known for putting up a fight? Perhaps a survey is in order? Thanks again, guys!
  4. Success! We have Lion 10.7.2 on the D630/ nvidia using MyHack and EDP 2.2 beta! Rebuilt using EDP 2.2 beta as linked above, chooseing option 4 in PS2 menu. Also ran repair permissions and rebuild cache with Kext Wizard. We have working keyboard, mouse, trackpad and buttons, 1440 video, sound, wireless, all four USB, speedstep, sleep and wake, both manually and with lid. You guys rock! Also, that was excellent advice to partition the drive and clone the installation for testing purposes. Thanks, Bronx! Its been a long road, but we finally got there, and I have at least some of my confidence back. Cheers!
  5. Yeeehaaa! We are almost there! Lion installed, with latest 2.2 EDP beta as linked above. I have keyboard, trackpad, sleep, video, wireless, lid switches, sound, both front and back USB. Not working are the pointer stick, which I could not care less about, and the trackpad buttons. Tapping works on the trackpad, but I have no, or very slow-responding physical buttons. Used option 3 in PS2 menu. Should I try a new build with a different set of drivers? What will I expect to have happen if I let the system update? Thanks, guys, you rock!
  6. Update Installed via MyHack, Simeonoff's Extra Folder, and then running Kext Wizard to repair permissions & rebuild cache. This is the most functionality/stability I have had. I do get a PK unless I use: -v pmVersion =0 I have.... Working wireless, keyboard, partial trackpad, 1024x768 graphics only on 1440 display. Sleep working via menu, lid switch has no effect. Does not detect trackpad. It works, but no preference pane detection. No sound. What's next? Thanks!
  7. Ran EDP 2.1 and I get a hang caused by ApplePS2Controller. Can't get into it with -v -s- -x. I think I broke it. Reinstalling Lion. Waiting for Simeone's Folder.
  8. Update: I used MyHack to install Lion, using the Extra folder supplied in the Supported Models wiki page. I now have a D630 that will boot to Lion on internal drive, but I do not have full functionality. Wireless working, video working. NO KB, sound, trackpad, sleep, etc. Using external KB and mouse. Do I try running EDP on top of this or do I try Simeon's folder? Can you link me to where Simoen's Extra folder is? Already, even not fully functional, Lion is more stable than SL. Thanks for the nudge to try it!
  9. I have a USB Lion. By party-approved, I meant an installation process by the OSXLatutude team.
  10. Is there a party-approved install method for Lion on the D630/Nvidia? Should I use the myHack method, as outlined in https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/747-wrestling-with-my-d630/? Maybe add a Lion install section to the wiki, if you have it working. Thanks again.
  11. OK, the vibe I am getting is that the D630/Nvidia is the twitchiest off the whole family, the crazy uncle that tends to yell a lot. If I were to pick the best hardware configuration of the D620, what would my dream machine be? Or do I want an 800-series? Broadcom wireless, obviously, but which graphics/processor/video/memory? (I will have no problems getting my money back out of the D630, so I am not invested in it, other than in blood.) Thanks a lot!
  12. With just the -v flag, I KP at org.netkas.fakeSMC which is conflicting with com.apple.iokit.IOACPIfamily. I am not fluent in command line, so detailed step-by-step instructions are very helpful. I am still interested in hearing if there is one particular Latitude that is most consistently hacked. I have several friends watching this exercise with interest. Thanks!
  13. I have repeatedly tried to get 10.6.8 installed on this D630/nvidia machine, and have about reached the end of my sanity. I can get 10.6.0 installed, but never have I been able to update to 10.6.8. I get a KP every time. I am starting to wonder if there is something different about my machine, since there seem to be so many people with success stories. I have followed the wiki, both 1.8 and 1.9.1 versions, tried multiple boot flags, power management, rebuilds, anything I have come across in the forums. None of it seems to be the magic bullet. I thought the whole reason to go with the Latitudes is that they are all the same in each series. Is there someone who can help me figure out what is going on? Or optionally, can I send this machine to someone to look over so that we can find what make my machine incompatible? Anyone in the Seattle area? If it proves that I have a particularly difficult model, is there a different Latitude model that works consistently, so that the install is nailed down tight? I have a friend who is a Dell reseller and he can get me almost any configuration. I just need to tell him exactly what to get. Sorry to start a new thread, but this seems to go beyond the old one, which has gone cold. Thanks
  14. tried renaming applhda in s/l/e : panic tried voodoohda 2.7.3 in Extra: panic tried -v -f -x -s pmVersion=0 : sometimes will boot to command line, sometimes not, no repeatable behavior. command line then freezes, w/ kyb imput, either onboard or USB, so can't even do a new build. I thought we had it with the newer dsdt, but it seems to be broken quite well after 10.6.8 update It seems I can repeatably get a good 10.6.0 install. Is there another method we can try to do the update? Is Lion a better choice? Thanks.
  15. I just got my USB HD adapter, so was going to try fixing this install later this week. I Lion that much better/stable/easier? I am not married to 10.6.8, but I just have bothered to update the rest of my machines yet. I own 3 other Macs, still running SL. Thanks.
  16. Well, I went for it and ran the 10.6.8 combo update. I am back in the land of Kernel Panic. VoodooHDA seems to be causing it. Any ideas how I can fix it? Single user safe verbose won't even get me to a command line. This is the 5th time that the update has broken a mostly-working build, all with different options and even a new dsdt. I think I can borrow a USB adapter and mount the drive on my Mac Pro, but I could use some advice on where to head next. Thanks!
  17. OK, here is where I am. Installed the dsdt from here D630.Nvidia.A17.dsdt.aml.zip Set Hibernate mode to 3 I have sleep on lid close wake on lid open, onboard video, LAN, wireless working. I am still at 10.6.0. If I run the combo update, what can I expect to break, if anything? Thanks!
  18. I tried the Vanilla dsdt A17 and I get a kernel panic. Did a fresh 10.6.0 install/EDP/Chameleon/fixes/swapped dsdt and got another kernel panic. I am getting closer to giving up. Not quite there, but certainly discouraged. Just last week I hackintoshed my friend's desktop with an Abit mobo and it took about three tries to nail it down, even with his wonky sound card. This D630 has been fighting me for a couple of months, off and on. I had high hopes for EDP 1.9, but I seem to be no closer. Any more ideas?
  19. Is my install repairable, or should I just start off fresh?
  20. 1440 x 900 native. Do we need to flash the BIOS or just have the proper DSDT? Thanks.
  21. I am at pretty much the same point. D630-nvidia, 4Gb ram, broadcom wifi and highly frustrated. I can install 10.6.0 fine. Ran the EDP 1.9 and restarted, gray apple screen, then black screen, while the hard drive rattles on merrily, then stops, still on a blank screen. I can boot into single user safe mode and get at the EDPTool, make a new build and then reboot to the same behavior. I have tried most every combination in the kext tool and can't seem to get it to behave. Tried reformatting HD and doing a clean install following the wiki. Still no joy. Help? Thanks.
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