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leppy700m last won the day on January 17 2018

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    Laptop 1: DELL E6430 | QM77 Express | I7-3520M | INTEL HD 4000 1366 x 768 | 8 GB RAM
    Laptop 2: DELL E6430 | QM77 Express | I7-3720QM | NVIDIA NVS 5200M (OPTIMUS) 1600 x 900 | 16 GB RAM
    Desktop: ASUS Z87-Deluxe | I7-4770 K | NVIDIA GT-740 4GB (3 1080P DISPLAYS| 32 GB RAM

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  1. Herve, Yes, DSDT is there. How is CPU power management done in the pack you provided? It has no SSDT-PM and no call to in in config.plist Right now, I'd settle for the built-in display. My EFI is coming from Jake Lo's bootpack, like everything else except the SMBIOS config and SSDT-PM Big Sur would not install using anything less than MacBookPro11.2 RIght now I am more concerned about the laptop display shutting off after the apple logo is first displayed. My E6430 will not even begin to boot with the boot packs you provided. First hurdle - configured to use VAULT - security section in config.plist is incomplete. What version of OPENCORE are you using? Are you using it with the release version of macOS 11.1? My E6430 specs are as follows: i7-3740QM HD 4000 only 1440x900 16GB RAM Webcam No fingerprint sensor
  2. I got through the install resuming from sleep, but that's not working as I boot into MACOS. Generating a new ssdt-pm.aml using ssdtprgen.sh did not correct that issue.
  3. I can't access this link you have above. The change to MBP11,2 settings is working. -no_compat_check was not working. Attached is my EFI. The kext section of the hires zip above looks like it's for Clover.... EFI.zip
  4. I don't think the the install is checking the SMBIOS for blacklisting - there is no internet connection at that point. That said, -no_compat_check has been in there right along.
  5. Thanks! It's good to see you guys are still at it too! Latest issue: I get to the Big Sur installer (recovery boots) and select the disk and get this message: "Update cannot be installed on this computer". It's a freshly formatted GUID/MACOS partition I am trying to install on.
  6. I have BIOS version A24. Your EFI booted my NVIDIA model into the install screen for Catalina. I still need to create an install USB for Big Sur. The Big Sur version of createinstallmedia fails - it locks the USB when it's done and you have to force eject it after which it's not bootable. The Catalina version works fine. I have the 1600x900 displays on both machines. This is NOT working to boot Catalina install on the E6430 without NVIDIA. Correction: It DOES work on the non-nvidia model - it just goes to sleep right after graphics start I push the power button and it wakes up and resumes. Good to know about the screen resolutions. I noticed that Jake's EFI contains a DSDT.
  7. This Machine: E6430 HDA4000 i7-3740QM (CPU swap, no NVIDIA) 1440x900 16 MB RAM Webcam No fingerprint sensor Jake Lo's EFI below works for my nvidia machine, but no graphics on the one without. Both have the higher-res panel. What needs to change for 6430 without nvidia? I am guessing dsdt and framebuffer?
  8. I have an E6430 with used a DSDT that disabled NVIDIA and a AptioMemoryFix.efi and HD4000 graphics are working perfectly. I won't have use of the HDMI port, but I don't need it. I am running 10.13.2 with APFS, the security update and it's been solid otherwise. The laptop runs much cooler with NVIDIA disabled and on macOS, I don't notice a difference in performance - HD4000 is more than adequate for my needs. Thanks to Jake Lo and Bronxteck for their assistance. So no, I don't have NVIDIA working. But even when it was, I wasn't happy with the heat. I like this better. I've attached my EFI - that should get you up and running on High Sierra if you can access your EFI partition and replace the EFI folder. EFI.zip
  9. Tried this bootpack after a new install of 10.12.3 E6430, A18, Nvidia, 1600x900 display (not Samsung), 16GB ram, tried optimus both ways. I7-3720QM, Clover 4012 EDIT: Boot is resolved: frosty had optifix2 missing from his EFI drivers folder, once I added that, it booted. VoodoHDA package included in Frosty's zipfile added sound. As far as I can tell, everything is working as it should. I haven't tried docking.
  10. I didn't reinstall. I just went down to A03, then A07, then A12. Note: the artifacts were just as bad on A11 as they were on A13 after going from 13 to 11.
  11. I got artifacts on the boot screen, but once I logged in - none - on A07. The same boot screen issues were evident on A12, but the kext mentioned above applied to /s/l/e fixed it.
  12. Thanks, Bronxteck! Update: I am back up to Bios V12 - no artifacts. I added the IOGraphicsFamily.kext from Jake's guide and that took care of the boot screen glitching too. It's a HD4000 E6430 with a 2.7 i5 and a 1366x768 screen on BIOS A12 running 10.10.5, and it's as near perfect a hack as I've ever had. Artifacts were very bad before reverting the bios down to V3. Nice work, guys.
  13. I just picked up another E6430 and HD4000 with Bios v13. I used Jake Lo's guide and ended up with artifacts on BIOS v13 and then v11. I backed down to BIOS v3, then v7. With v7, I only get artifacts on the boot screen. When I am home again, I'll try v11 again, then v12 and report back. I suspect that once v13 is flashed, you need to drop down to a version that resets the bios completely to get rid of artifacts.
  14. I'll give this a try later on. Thanks again!
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