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Zorge last won the day on December 13 2016

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Private (2/17)



  1. Powered scrolling, right button and gesturing with three fingers up and down. Others do not work. It seems there is a problem and coordinate the definition of the fingers, to call the right buttons need to spread apart the fingers, otherwise he considers them to be one. Sleep and caps work well. V5 Dolphin TouchPad with ID: E7 = 0x73 0x03 0x50, EC = 0x73 0x02 0x02 firmware v2, which is supported experimentally. I do not know what to say about the driver firmware..
  2. Hmm .. dmesg indicates V2 is, but it works scroll, right-click two or three fingers. EDIT: With last kext he says "Found a V5 Dolphin TouchPad with ID: E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02", and some multitouch gestures are work now.
  3. Hi guys. What about the version V2? sorry for my English!)
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