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Everything posted by thesuffering

  1. I got this to work without a MBR patch. Installed as GUID, got it working with a USB boot, then converted to MBR with a Ubuntu Live usb and installed Clover legacy on the HDD. It was a bit of a PITA but I now have a 95% working 10.12.6 install booting directly from the SSD. See my work with Rehabman here: https://www.tonycrapx86.com/threads/xps-13-l321x.228433/
  2. Sleep doesn't seem to work for me. If I let it sleep it ends up powering off the entire laptop. What did you do to get sleep/wake working? Flickering isnt occurring for me, but Im just using Brightness by Berg Design as I couldn't get it working properly using the "proper methods"
  3. config.plist looks like a copy of mine, so that should be fine. Id copy my EFI folder to give you the folders you are missing. Knowing what exactly is causing the KP would help. A picture of that would be great. What are the exact specs of your L321x?
  4. On quick glance, you are missing ACPI , misc, and ROM folder... looking thru config.plst, will report back
  5. Im not sure why it won't open. Try right clicking on the folder and use the compress option. Would need pic of KP to try to make sense of whats happening. You are getting past still waiting for root device when it proceeds in the USB3 port so its definitely something else. What seems to be happening is the USB2 port shuts down/becomes unrecognized, but the FL kext keeps the USB3 port going. USBInjectAll.kext will reenable USB2, webcam, and WIFI card when you install to S/L/E after install.
  6. That ZIP file won't open for me in Sierra. Whats the KP you are getting?
  7. anyone have multitouch on the cypress trackpad working in El Capitan/Sierra? I found one kext, but it was super sensitive and unusable.
  8. Here is Sierra on my L321X I just followed Rehabmans clover guide. Although after reading here I suspect Im going to have to reinstall as MBR . Cant get clover booting from the HDD.
  9. Thats odd. I thought I did attach. In any case. I reattached to my last post. I ended up using the following kexts to get audio working under Sierra. AppleHDA275.kext.zip CodecCommander.kext.zip
  10. How do I get audio working? I tried ALC275 flavor of AppleHDA and corresponding plist changes, but no audio
  11. I have Sierra 10.12.6 on my L321X right now. Ive attached my EFI folder from my USB stick. Take note, Clover has to be installed legacy. Also, start in the USB2 port, half way in between you'll get "Still Waiting for Root Device" at this point move the USB over to your USB3 port on the right. It will continue on to the installer. EFI.zip
  12. Use this kext in Clover /EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other/ I have both USB ports working on my L321X. USBXHCI_FL1009.kext.zip
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