In my situation
I only path my dsdt with i2c and use that 8 kext in clover/kext
i have work touchpad and can type with my kb
also fn+volume up/down/munt
i need your help for kb backlight and led backlight.
sorry for my poor english..
yes.... 1、this time i try ↑ path and working and 2、↑ path and AsusNBFnKeys and EMlyDinEsH 4 Level Path.txt---not working.. and more suggestion ? thaks
EMlyDinEsH 4 Level Path.txt
I know that paths But ! What I wanna say is when I path that with any dsdt paths I can found from that form, there is no one can do! any suggest path and vision kext to use?
With this DSDT, Asus Rog G752VY ,Bios 303 can correctly install and run 10.12.6
correctly show battery% 、working sleep、working I2C Touchpad
Still,there is last 1 mile to go
I wanna and need help for 『keyboard Back light』、『LED Backlight Control』
Can anyone provide some help ?
Sir. this is my DSDT and my notebook is Asus Rog G752VY
I have no idea to path my dsdt to which path and which vision AsusFNKey.kext to use?
I had try all dsdt i can found this from and all vision kext too..
please help me