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  1. Have you read my post #16: What do you mean with "get rid of FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765"? Should I remove it from the /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other/ folder. I haven't ever copy it to the /Library/Extensions/ folder (or should I have did it?). Answered in post #17 by Jake Lo with: Yes, remove FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext from kexts/Other and add BCM5722D.kext to /Library/Extensions However... I have removed the FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext from /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other/ folder and added BCM5722D.kext to /Library/Extensions on MAC SSD Now I still have the old Problem as already described in my post #3: The MAC Address is still 00:00:00:00:00:00 and I have to set it manually after each reboot... the Ethernet connection status is pending between "Connected" and "Not connected". That means, for just few seconds the ethernet connection is established and becomes disconnected again, pending all the time. In case of short sucessfull connection, here the ifconfig output for en0: en0: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 options=3<RXCSUM,TXCSUM> ether f0:1f:af:31:20:2b inet6 fe80::1434:dbde:4395:8b86%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x4 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast inet6 fd3c:dfbd:40e4:1600:87d:5d3e:7fac:823 prefixlen 64 autoconf secured inet6 fd3c:dfbd:40e4:1600:4945:1793:8e99:54f1 prefixlen 64 autoconf temporary nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> media: 100baseTX <full-duplex> status: active And according System Information / Network: Ethernet: Type: Ethernet Hardware: Ethernet BSD Device Name: en0 IPv4 Addresses: IPv4: AdditionalRoutes: DestinationAddress: SubnetMask: Addresses: ARPResolvedHardwareAddress: 3c:df:bd:40:e2:11 ARPResolvedIPAddress: Configuration Method: DHCP ConfirmedInterfaceName: en0 DHCP Client ID: Interface Name: en0 Network Signature: IPv4.Router=;IPv4.RouterHardwareAddress=3c:df:bd:40:e2:11 Router: Subnet Masks: IPv6: Configuration Method: Automatic DNS: Server Addresses: DHCP Server Responses: Domain Name Servers: Lease Duration (seconds): 0 DHCP Message Type: 0x05 Routers: Server Identifier: Subnet Mask: Ethernet: MAC Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Media Options: Full Duplex Media Subtype: 100baseTX Service Order: 0 So I am again at the beginning with my Ethernet problems and don't know how to solve it. Any suggestions/ideas are wellcome. Thx
  2. Also tried, but in that case en0 does not have a valid MAC address and there still no connection establishment is possible (problems like described in my post #3). And in case using FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext, still problems like described in my post #12 I don't know what to do. Is it sometimes so strange to become a usefull/working ethernet connection (wired)? When I open the System Info / HW Manager, there are following information given: Broadcom 57765-A0: Name: ethernet Type: Ethernet Bus: PCI Vendor ID: 0x14e4 Device ID: 0x1681 Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x1028 Subsystem ID: 0x053d Revision ID: 0x0010 Link Width: x1 BSD name: en0 Kext name: AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext Location: /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext mDNS offload capable: f0:1f:af:32:36:55 Version: 10.2.7 Why is under "Location" this strange kext listed (AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext)? Could this bee a problem? FYI: I have deleted BCM5722D.kext from /Library/Extensions and also FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext is not contained in /Library/Extensions, but FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext is contained in /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other/ folder and considered during start-up (otherwise no appropriate MAC address exists for en0).
  3. How is it? I have today also newly installed the whole OS. Newly installed the CLOVER and applied the boot pack E5530_A12 from here. Then in the /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other/ folder I replaced BCM5722D.kext with FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext. I also copied the files from the Other/LE/ folder to /Library/Extensions/ folder, repaired the permissions and rebuild the cache... What do you mean with "get rid of FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765"? Should I remove it from the /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other/ folder. I haven't ever copy it to the /Library/Extensions/ folder (or should I have did it?). And with "Put BCM5722D.kext in /Library/Extensions instead.", do you mean I should remove FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext and add BCM5722D.kext to /Library/Extensions ? And, setting the speed has no influence...
  4. both already tried, but nothing helps during the booting (where the apple logo is displayed) for some seconds the LAN LEDs blinks (where the ethernet cable is connected) and after that not more... Any idea?
  5. Thx with the adopted kext now en0 exists, it has the correct MAC address but there is a new problem: the ethernet cable is pluged in but in the network manager there is a note that the network cable is not pluged :s so the notebook has no IP and no connection. Any idea what goes wrong?
  6. No, it does not help in this case the en0 device does not exist. I have deleted FakePCIID_BCM57XX_as_BCM57765.kext and copied back BCM5722D.kext to the /kexts/Other folder and the en0 device exist now but the problems still exist (refer to my post #3 above).
  7. Thx for your answers I have replaced my EFI CLOVER stuff with the files from the new Bootpack for E5530_A12 from post # 2 of guide here (like suggested by Jake Lo in post #2 here, see my post #3 above). So kexts FakePCIID.kext and FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext are part of the "Others" folder. Is something wrong with them? I does not understand what https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-Fake-PCI-ID has to do with kexts FakePCIID.kext and FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext from my "Others" folder. Or do you post the Link just to make a hint to the description? What do you mean I should do/change/update?
  8. I use BCM5722D.kext v2.3.6 and according this post it works for other users: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/9484-e5420-el-sierra-only-partially-working/?p=69330 Thereby I also listed the PCI devices and found BCM5761 GigEthernet card with id 14e4:1681, and this ID is listed in my used BCM5722D.kext v2.3.6. ==> It still does not work for me Also disabling the Legacy Option ROMs option in BIOS does not help (so I enabled it again)! What else to look for? And what do you mean with "I see your using fakepcid maybe try the injector for network.". I am not so familar with a lot of hackintosh stuff... Thx
  9. Jake Lo, thx for the info. Your hint solved my sound problem so my Notebook has sound now But the LAN (en0) still has problems. The MAC Address is still 00:00:00:00:00:00 and I have to set it manually after each reboot (ifconfig en0 ether <usefull MAC address>). Adding it to /etc/rc.local is not handled during start-up, whyever... The ethernet speed is according ifconfig output automatically set to "media: autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>)". I have tried to set it manually and ifconfig shows "media: 100baseTX <full-duplex>". But at the end, I can not imagine different behaviour after settin the speed manually. The final problem is that the Ethernet connection status is pending between "Connected" and "Not connected". When it becomes connected, according ifconfig I see: en0: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 options=3<RXCSUM,TXCSUM> ether 00:80:48:ba:d1:24 inet6 fe80::14ad:2dfd:6309:9e9f%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x4 inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> media: 100baseTX <full-duplex> status: active When the Ethernet connection status is "Connected" and everything seems ok, there is no activ internet, no pages can be opened This behaviour is given in case of DHCP and when manually setting the parametert for the Ethernet connection. Any ideas (or similar situations) how to handle/solve this problem(s)?
  10. I have an DELL E5530 and as a newbie, i have (somehow) installed MAC OS Sierra 10.12.3 on my Notebook. Thereby I found on youtube a guide how to create a bootable USB Stick from windows (as I don't have a second MAC) and later I found somewhere in the web a better EFI folder which I have used to normally boot and install Sierra. I am using CLOVER and here my E5530 specifications: Intel i5-3230M CPU 8 GB RAM BIOS-Version A11 High Definition Audio-Device Intel® HD Graphics 4000 (1920x1080, Full HD) Broadcom NetXtreme-Gigabit-Ethernet Dell Wireless 1504 802.11b/g/n (2,4 GHz) Surely there are a lot of hackintosh forums and descriptions (mostly for other Models/HW) on the web, but as a newbie, I spent a lot of days to become a functioning system, also performed min. 5 installations => It still doesn't work. Here are my problems: Under Settings / Network a "Ethernet" device is listed (for the wired connection, LAN). But is has a difficult MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:00... I can fix this with "ifconfig en0 ether <usefull MAC address>" within rc.local. Thereby DHCP does not work and is cyclically connect and disconnect whole the time. So I set the IP/Subnet Mask/Router/DNS Server manually and the Notebook in this way becommes connected to my router and the Ethernet device becomes status "Connected" ==> The problem is that it only looks great but the Notebook is still not connected (why/how ever)! Pinging the router or such other usefull IP does not work. I don't know what to do/try next. My WLAN does not work. Under Settings / Network there is no WLAN listed. I have no sound. Is there anyone of you having Sierra installed properly supporting HW like for my DELL E5530 who can send me the relevant EFI folder (for the EFI partition) and describe me in few steps a postinstall situation? Additional Info: ls -1 /Volumes/Hackintosh/Library/Extensions/ ACS6x.kext ATTOCelerityFC8.kext ATTOExpressSASHBA2.kext ATTOExpressSASRAID2.kext ArcMSR.kext CalDigitHDProDrv.kext HighPointIOP.kext HighPointRR.kext PromiseSTEX.kext SoftRAID.kext I have attached my actual EFI folder (from the EFI partition). Any help is wellcome EFI_E5530.zip
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