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  1. Thank you very much! It actually worked, now i have fully functional hackintosh, thanks to you! Man, you are amazing!
  2. No, I am loading only ElanSmartTouchPad kext, it already contains fn keys patch. I use it's built-in FN Keys patch, cause with it i don't need to hold "FN" button to raise volume or brightness, f1-f12 works as function keys. I also tried AsusFNKeys kext, but it couldn't get work keyboard backlight control, so i removed it.
  3. This version was preinstalled on my laptop. I use MaciASL. nope, mine shipped with Intel WiFi card, i changed it to Broadcom BCM94352 (AzureWave AW-CE123H). Thank you very much!
  4. No, everything works, using this kext, except keyboard backlight control. BIOS ver.208. No patches because i couldn't save DSDT after editing (see errors). Thanks! I changed KBLV to KBLD in patch, but there is still no result . I removed PWKB, cause i couldn't save DSDT with it. I don't understand what i can do with it, i am new to this.
  5. Hi everyone. I got FN keys work fine, but I'm getting bunch of errors and warning, compiling DSDT with 4-levels keyboard brightness patch. Here they are (i will also attach screenshot): Can anyone help me solve this problem? Laptop model: Asus Q500A. Ivy Bridge: Core i5-3230M. DSDT.zip
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