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  1. I was able to get the NVS 4200M working in 10.14 Mojave; but, after a few boots it would get stuck in a IOConsoleUsers GIOLockScreenState and ACM:Created/DeletedCredentials loop
  2. Here is the Clover file from my SSD EFI partition:CLOVER.zip
  3. @JakeLo Dell Latitude E6420 ATG BIOS A21 (Legacy) Intel Mobile QM67 Express Chipset Core i7-2720QM 8GB RAM Dell Quadro NVS 4200M Intel HD Graphics 3000 So I was able to install H/S 10.13.4 with your bootpack (Brilliant work and many thanks, btw) I have EVERYTHING functioning except full QE/CI from the Intel Graphics. Quadro registers 4095mb VRAM, Intel HD only 4mb with no kexts loaded. Ideas? Thanks a ton!
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